For me the best pranks are harmless pranks and the water bottle prank is a popular one on YouTube. A prankster grandma named Marietta Spencer Tyks wanted to perform a magic trick for her husband Tommy. She noticed similar pranks on Facebook and wanted to try it out herself.

As she explains that she will make a coin magically enter a water bottle, you can sense her excitement as she is about to perform her trick. When she uncovers the water bottle after saying the magic word, her husband takes a look inside the bottle and his reaction is priceless!
Watch this prankster grandma perform an epic “magic” water bottle prank for grandpa…
Her laugh is infectious and she is so happy her husband got to enjoy her prank. This couple proves you’re never too old to have fun. Please share this prank master grandma playing a water bottle prank on her husband with your friends and family.