This Little Duckling Couldn’t Jump High Enough to Reach His Family. You’ll Cheer When He Does THIS!

Perseverance is one of the most valuable traits any human or animal can have. If you don’t succeed the first time, the most important is to keep on trying and never give up. One tiny duckling was simply trying to follow his family when he encountered the steepest curb in his life!

Little Duckling Never Gives up to Jump Over Curb and Reach Mom.

Ducklings such as this abandoned duckling following his rescuer’s every move are cute and this one is just as cute. Even after jumping and jumping repeatedly and even landing on his back a few times, he isn’t deterred. His relentless drive to jump high enough to reach his family is beautiful to watch and the ending is awesome.

Watch this little duckling that could…


I couldn’t help but yell ‘YES!’ when he finally makes it. There were some tense moments but the little fella did it without any help.

Here are some of our favorite YouTube comments for the video, “Duckling vs Ledge: The Little Duckling That Could | The Dodo” by The Dodo:

  1. “Oh, that was borderline heartbreaking!!! <3” – Dianna B
  2. “Love ducklings!” – Butters The Bean
  3. “I got tuckered out just watching the little guy…whew!” – Missy Wink
  4. “I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS ( I love the duck ones even more).” – [Vibes]
  5. “Awww so cute, never gives up.” – Andrea Fletcher
  6. “This duckling is me every hurdle race I run.” – Professor Smartness

Please share this baby duck that knew he could jump and reach his family with your friends and family.

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