Do you like Lord of the Rings? Do you like memes? Well, you’re in luck, because today I’m going to share some funny Lord of the Rings (LOTR) memes with you. I remember walking into a local bookstore in early 2001 and seeing a lifesize cardboard cutout of the main characters in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and I was stunned!
Being a fan of the book as a kid, I never imagined the movies by Peter Jackson would make it justice but boy was I glad to be proven wrong! So whether you’re a fan of the book or the movie, I guarantee that you’ll find a few LOTR memes that will make you laugh. So without further ado, let’s get started with these 33 funny memes! Enjoy!
1) Let the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) memes begin!

“*Airport metal detector goes off* Airport security: What has it got in its nasty little pocketses?”
2) He’ll never survive these Lord of the Rings LOTR memes either!

“Boromir is in a fight. He’s played by Sean Bean you stupid blonde. He’ll never survive it.”
3) “Legolas, bruh.”

“Bro, close your eyes. Okay, bro. What do you see? Nothing bro. That’s my life without you bro. Bro.”

“Come at me, bro. I am no bro.”
5) Hi, Lord of the Rings LOTR Memes.

“Dad I’m dying. Hi dying. I’m the dad.” Who knew LOTR memes would have dad jokes?
6) Gandalf memes when you’re bummed out.
![33 Lord of the Rings (LOTR) Memes - "Depression? Isn't that just a fancy word for feeling 'bummed out?' Gandalf, you ignorant [censored]."](
“Depression? Isn’t that just a fancy word for feeling ‘bummed out?’ Gandalf, you ignorant [censored].”
7) The doors to more Lord of the Rings LOTR memes…

“Door, Mordor, Gondor.”

“Dwarves: *delved too greedily and too deep* Balrog of Morgoth: …And I took that personally.”
9) Ermahgerd!

“Ermahgerd, der terkin der herbits ter ierserngerd.”
10) “Please stop these funny Lord of the Rings LOTR memes.”

“Frodo! Please Sam, no, not again. If I take one more step, I’ll be the farthest away from home I’ve ever been.”
11) “Frodo was the least qualified for that decision.”

“Gandalf: Let the ring bearer decide. Frodo: Secret tunnel.”
12) “Book Frodo is way nicer than movie Frodo.”

“Getting the Ring to Mordor. Sam. Frodo.”
13) LOTR memes speaking the truth of Lord of the Rings!

“If the government wrote LOTR. Bilbo Baggins, I am not trying to help you. I’m trying to rob you!”

“Has eagles on speed dial. Makes everyone walk.”
15) Only the best LOTR memes for Lord of the Rings fans!

“He went to Jared!”

“It’s hella far, fam. Yeet me. I cannot jump the distance! You’ll have to Yeet me! Don’t tell the squad, fam. Kickass, fam. This finna be lit.”

“If you’re Gandalf, why are you white? Oh my God, Aragorn, you can’t just ask people why they’re white.”
18) “I’m on seventeen!”

“Legolas when Gimli says he already killed two orcs.”

“Never give up!!! Well…Sometimes it’s fine to give up.”
20) LOTR memes for old and new fans of Lord of the Rings.

“New LOTR fan: I was wondering why they didn’t just fly the eagles to Mordor. LOTR fans:”
21) Hawking into Mordor memes.

“No, hold your hand like this. Now say it. One does not simply hawk into Mordor. That’s my bird!”

“Photobomb level: Aragorn.”

“Mr. Potter, why are you late for class? A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to. That’s my boy!”

“Run Shadowfax, show us the meaning of haste.”
25) “Frodo no! Share the Lord of the Rings LOTR memes!”

“Sam. Sharing the load. Frodo.

“Sire, Sir Reginald is coming. He is not welcome.”
27) “Po-ta-toes! Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew – even you couldn’t say no to that!”

“The Fellowship at 100% knowledge of potatoes. The Fellowship at 99% knowledge of potatoes.”
28) Lord of the Rings fans don’t question Hobbit memes…

“Trying to figure out how the Hobbit got the same amount of movies like the Lord of the Rings when the book is 1/3 as long.”
29) These Legolas memes are getting cocky!

“Legolas, two already! I’m on seventeen! And I took that personally.”
30) LOTR memes featuring Bilbo Baggins.

“Visitors, well-wishers, distant relations. Very old friends.”
31) “Gollum/Smeagol’s plan must have felt like this…”

“We lead the hobbitses to Mt. Doom. We steal the precious. We fall into the lava. We fall into the lava.”

“When your Hobbit friends and family ask what happened to Deagol.”
33) “Forgive me. I was wrong to despair.”

“You call yourself a friend but where were you when my meme only got four likes? Making four accounts, bro. Bro…”
I hope you enjoyed these Lord of the Rings LOTR memes! RIP Sir Ian Holm. Goodbye, and God bless.
Please share these Lord of the Rings (LOTR) memes with your friends and family.