61 Funny Star Wars Memes From The Prequel to the Sequel Trilogy

What could be better than watching all 9 Star Wars movies in one sitting? Funny Star Wars memes, of course! Yes, there is the original trilogy, prequels, sequels, The Mandolorian, The Clone Wars, and even story movies like Han Solo and Rogue One but all of them deserve memes.

We scoured every corner of the galaxy to find some of the best memes just for you! Enjoy them and remember…May the Force be with you!

1) Let the Star Wars memes begin!

61 Star Wars Memes - "Are you a Jedi Master? What makes you think that? You seem like you're on the Jedi Council. Only a Jedi Master can be on the Jedi Council. Perhaps they allowed me on the council and did not grant me the rank of Master. I don't think so. That would be outrageous and unfair."

“Are you a Jedi Master? What makes you think that? You seem like you’re on the Jedi Council. Only a Jedi Master can be on the Jedi Council. Perhaps they allowed me on the council and did not grant me the rank of Master. I don’t think so. That would be outrageous and unfair.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "When asked why there was only one set of footprints, Jesus replied, 'The Sand People ride single file to hide their numbers'."

“When asked why there was only one set of footprints, Jesus replied, ‘The Sand People ride single file to hide their numbers’.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "When asked why there was only one set of footprints, Jesus replied, 'The Sand People ride single file to hide their numbers'."

“Me at the start of every episode of the Mandalorian: I would like to see the baby.”

4) The Trojan Horse of funny Star Wars memes.

61 Star Wars Memes - "Baby Yoda. The entire Star Wars saga. Me. My girlfriend."

“Baby Yoda. The entire Star Wars saga. Me. My girlfriend.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "Bae: Come over. Grievous: Can't I'm fighting Obi-Wan. Bae: I have another lightsaber for your collection. Grievous:"

“Bae: Come over. Grievous: Can’t I’m fighting Obi-Wan. Bae: I have another lightsaber for your collection. Grievous:”

6) He probably had never seen Star Wars memes either.

61 Star Wars Memes - "Before acting in Episode IV - A New Hope, Mark Hamill had never seen a single Star Wars movie."

“Before acting in Episode IV – A New Hope, Mark Hamill had never seen a single Star Wars movie.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "Bro. What bro. Tell the whole world that we're bros. [whisper] we're bros. Why did you whisper bro? Because you're my whole world bro. Bro."

“Bro. What bro. Tell the whole world that we’re bros. [whisper] we’re bros. Why did you whisper bro? Because you’re my whole world bro. Bro.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "Darth Vader ruled an entire galaxy, Voldemort couldn't even take over a high school."

“Darth Vader ruled an entire galaxy, Voldemort couldn’t even take over a high school.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "Deathsticks: Before and after."

“Deathsticks: Before and after.”

10) Star Wars memes: I am so smart, S-M-R-T.

61 Star Wars Memes - "You don't have to pay for a trip to Alderaan if Alderaan doesn't exist."

“You don’t have to pay for a trip to Alderaan if Alderaan doesn’t exist.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "Elementary: I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father. College: I want to be free of this pain."

“Elementary: I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father. College: I want to be free of this pain.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "When your game unfreezes as soon as you open the Task Manager: Fear will keep them in line."

“When your game unfreezes as soon as you open the Task Manager: Fear will keep them in line.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "General Hux always looks like he's watching someone not use a coaster."

“General Hux always looks like he’s watching someone not use a coaster.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "When you get an OP weapon as a reward for beating the game, but it doesn't matter because there's nothing left to do."

“When you get an OP weapon as a reward for beating the game, but it doesn’t matter because there’s nothing left to do.”

15) Star Wars memes with a dash of Game of Thrones.

61 Star Wars Memes - "Got troubles with my dad. That's cute."

“Got troubles with my dad. That’s cute.”

16) Funny Star Wars memes with Luke and Obi-Wan.

61 Star Wars Memes - "Handed the most dangerous weapon in the galaxy. Immediately point at face."

“Handed the most dangerous weapon in the galaxy. Immediately point at face.”


61 Star Wars Memes - "Here, this was your father's lightsaber. Sweet! Let's go kill those Sandpeople that jumped me! On second thought, I'd better hold onto this a little longer..."

“Here, this was your father’s lightsaber. Sweet! Let’s go kill those Sandpeople that jumped me! On second thought, I’d better hold onto this a little longer…”

18) These funny Star Wars memes are getting expensive.

61 Star Wars Memes - "He's too expensive to be kept alive!"

“He’s too expensive to be kept alive!”


61 Star Wars Memes - "I liked how the Mandalorian instantly blew his entire paycheck on a new set of armor, much like many of us."

“I liked how the Mandalorian instantly blew his entire paycheck on a new set of armor, much like many of us.”

20) Star Wars memes with Anakin showing his true colors.

61 Star Wars Memes - "If you have 7 chairs and 10 children, what do you do? Get 3 more chairs. Kill 3 kids."

“If you have 7 chairs and 10 children, what do you do? Get 3 more chairs. Kill 3 kids.”

21) Star Wars prequel memes with Jar Jar Binks. Meesa not feel good!

"I'm. I am. My name is. Meesa."

“I’m. I am. My name is. Meesa.”


"When you're in space Vietnam and the trees start talking in 'teddy bear'."

“When you’re in space Vietnam and the trees start talking in ‘teddy bear’.”


"It's me, the ghost of your old hermit friend. Kill your dad."

“It’s me, the ghost of your old hermit friend. Kill your dad.”


"January 2020: Possible war with Iran. February 2020: Australia on fire. March 2020: Coronavirus epidemic. April 2020: Somehow, Palpatine returned."

“January 2020: Possible war with Iran. February 2020: Australia on fire. March 2020: Coronavirus epidemic. April 2020: Somehow, Palpatine returned.”


"Keeping a low profile on Tatooine after Order 66. Wearing Jedi robes every day of your life and keeping the last name Kenobi."

“Keeping a low profile on Tatooine after Order 66. Wearing Jedi robes every day of your life and keeping the last name Kenobi.”


"You knew my father? Yes, I did. Remarkable man. Flammable."

“You knew my father? Yes, I did. Remarkable man. Flammable.”


"If you look like this dm me. Ohh you're looking for Amanda. Who's Amanda. Amanda Lorian."

“If you look like this dm me. Ohh you’re looking for Amanda. Who’s Amanda. Amanda Lorian.”


"Luke: I've been living as a hardworking moisture farmer. Leia: I've been living as a princess. Luke:"

“Luke: I’ve been living as a hardworking moisture farmer. Leia: I’ve been living as a princess. Luke:”


"Mark? Oh, I'm sorry! I have dialogue? I'm used to just staring intensely."

“Mark? Oh, I’m sorry! I have dialogue? I’m used to just staring intensely.”

30) Gotta love funny Star Wars prequel memes.

"Master Yoda...Troubled, you look, Skywalker...I found your Jedi graduation photo..."

“Master Yoda…Troubled, you look, Skywalker…I found your Jedi graduation photo…”

31) Relatable Star Wars memes.

"Me explaining how Palpatine's return cheapens Anakin's sacrifice. My 6-month-old daughter."

“Me explaining how Palpatine’s return cheapens Anakin’s sacrifice. My 6-month-old daughter.”


"Meth: Before and after."

“Meth: Before and after.”


"He's more machine than man now. LMAO, I did that to him. Good times."

“He’s more machine than man now. LMAO, I did that to him. Good times.”


"My aunt took a photo of some rock formation near Moab, Utah and this is all I could see."

“My aunt took a photo of some rock formation near Moab, Utah and this is all I could see.”


"Never...Accept a Skype request from Vader."

“Never…Accept a Skype request from Vader.”


"Obi-Wan: Anakin is the father isn't he, I'm so sorry. John Williams:"

“Obi-Wan: Anakin is the father isn’t he, I’m so sorry. John Williams:”


"I'm Peter by the way. Rey Skywalker. Oh, we're using our made-up names."

“I’m Peter by the way. Rey Skywalker. Oh, we’re using our made-up names.”


"Quits for 8 years cuz he had bad knees and was sad. No arms, no legs, still kicked ass through all 3 movies."

“Quits for 8 years cuz he had bad knees and was sad. No arms, no legs, still kicked ass through all 3 movies.”


"Rebellion. Empire. First Order."

“Rebellion. Empire. First Order.”


"Rey after realizing she made a whole trilogy without her hand being cut off."

“Rey after realizing she made a whole trilogy without her hand being cut off.”


"Saying 'You need to calm down': Lacking in empathy. A rude command. Stating the obvious. Saying 'Good, good, let the hate flow through you': Affirmative of their feelings. Confirms it's normal to be upset. It helps them embrace the unlimited potential of the dark side."

“Saying ‘You need to calm down’: Lacking in empathy. A rude command. Stating the obvious. Saying ‘Good, good, let the hate flow through you’: Affirmative of their feelings. Confirms it’s normal to be upset. It helps them embrace the unlimited potential of the dark side.”

42) Star Wars prequel memes are just fake news.

"I saw him killing younglings. Oh, this is just fake news, Padme. Anakin is a tremendous guy. Ask anyone, they'll tell you. Tremendous. This younglings thing? Fake news."

“I saw him killing younglings. Oh, this is just fake news, Padme. Anakin is a tremendous guy. Ask anyone, they’ll tell you. Tremendous. This younglings thing? Fake news.”


"Sith army knife."

“Sith army knife.”


"Me: So Palpatine...What were you up to all those years? Palpatine:"

“Me: So Palpatine…What were you up to all those years? Palpatine:”


"Sorry kid, I don't believe in all that force stuff. I've been telling you for years I worked for a Jedi Master! You said it Chewie, they are crazy."

“Sorry kid, I don’t believe in all that force stuff. I’ve been telling you for years I worked for a Jedi Master! You said it Chewie, they are crazy.”

46) I can’t get enough of baby Yoda Star Wars memes!

"Stamps. Lickie stickie. Fork. Stabby grabby. Defibrillators. Hearty starty. Socks. Feetie heatie. Bumblebees. Fuzzy buzzy. Hippo. Floatie bloatie. Pregnancy test. Maybe baby. Nightmare. Screamy dreamy. Bra. Breastie nestie. Parrot. Wordie birdie."

“Stamps. Lickie stickie. Fork. Stabby grabby. Defibrillators. Hearty starty. Socks. Feetie heatie. Bumblebees. Fuzzy buzzy. Hippo. Floatie bloatie. Pregnancy test. Maybe baby. Nightmare. Screamy dreamy. Bra. Breastie nestie. Parrot. Wordie birdie.”

47) More baby Yoda Star Wars memes!

"When you're supposed to organize your room, but you keep finding thingy things to play with."

“When you’re supposed to organize your room, but you keep finding thingy things to play with.”

48) Thank God for Star Wars prequel memes!

"Thank God for Hayden Christensen: It actually wasn't George's idea to have Anakin kill the younglings. I just showed up on set one day and started to whack those little [censored]. Turns out, George was filming the whole time."

“Thank God for Hayden Christensen: It actually wasn’t George’s idea to have Anakin kill the younglings. I just showed up on set one day and started to whack those little [censored]. Turns out, George was filming the whole time.”

49) One more Baby Yoda Star Wars memes for good measure.

"That time Baby Yoda got dropped."

“That time Baby Yoda got dropped.”

50) Funny Star Wars memes featuring the Jedi, the pilot, and you know, the hot one.

"The Jedi. The pilot. The hot one."

“The Jedi. The pilot. The hot one.”

51) Star Wars memes featuring baby Yoda don’t get cuter than this.

"Trying to act cute after annoying your man all day like [coos] [sighs]."

“Trying to act cute after annoying your man all day like [coos] [sighs].”


"Twenty minutes into Jakku and chill and she gives you this look."

“Twenty minutes into Jakku and chill and she gives you this look.”


"You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about."

“You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about.”

54) Star Wars prequel memes are also a problem.

"I don't want to be a problem. You won't be, Ani. Anakin becomes a problem."

“I don’t want to be a problem. You won’t be, Ani. Anakin becomes a problem.”


"When you a Sith Lord but you Jewish too."

“When you a Sith Lord but you Jewish too.”


"Who do you prefer as the best female Jedi? Ahsoka Tano - 958 votes. Rey - 58 votes."

“Who do you prefer as the best female Jedi? Ahsoka Tano – 958 votes. Rey – 58 votes.”


"The world's safest motorcycle. It will never hit anything."

“The world’s safest motorcycle. It will never hit anything.”

58) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of Star Wars memes…

"You were the chosen one! It was said you would destroy the Sith not join them! They had cookies! They had chocolate chip Anakin. We had peanut butter! Really?"

“You were the chosen one! It was said you would destroy the Sith not join them! They had cookies! They had chocolate chip Anakin. We had peanut butter! Really?”

59) I can relate to these baby Yoda Star Wars memes.

"When your mom leaves you in line at the store because she forgot the milk and the cashier says 'next'."

“When your mom leaves you in line at the store because she forgot the milk and the cashier says ‘next’.”

60) I just learned something from funny Star Wars memes.

"You're looking at Saturn's moon Mimas, whose enormous crater Herschel makes it a dead ringer for a defunct, rusted-over Death Star."

“You’re looking at Saturn’s moon Mimas, whose enormous crater Herschel makes it a dead ringer for a defunct, rusted-over Death Star.”


"You've hacked into Amber Alert. You can now send one message to every smartphone in your country. What do you send? Execute Order 66."

“You’ve hacked into Amber Alert. You can now send one message to every smartphone in your country. What do you send? Execute Order 66.”

I hope you enjoyed these Star Wars memes!

I hope you enjoyed these Star Wars memes!

Please share these memes with your friends and family.