We’re simply human beings passing through time on a speck of dust floating in space in the grand scheme of things. For that reason, we shouldn’t take life too seriously. Sometimes all we need is a laugh and it doesn’t matter how dumb or stupid it is. Stupid memes have no genre or reason to be, they’re simply created for mindless entertainment to enjoy at our leisure.

Tons of funny memes fit the bill so we scoured the interweb to find you the best of the best. I personally hope you enjoy the following stupid memes and don’t forget to share them on social media!
1) Let the stupid memes begin!

It’s a level of stupid I’ve not seen in a long time.”

“When you and your side chick are dumb AF.”
3) Stupid memes don’t get sillier than this.

“My mom asked for a “formal picture” of my month-old baby. I sent her this.”

“Babe! It’s been 7 minutes, time for your 4 ads! Yes, honey.”
5) Feel like a dumb genius reading stupid memes.

“Be friends with stupid people. Feel like a genius all the time.”

“Beep boop it’s a Joop.”
7) Being an adult also includes reading stupid memes.

“Being an adult is mostly just going to bed when you don’t want to and also waking up when you don’t want to.”

“The name’s Bond, James Bond. And you? Boops. Boops boops.”

“But your celebrity following can get you elected president.”

“Chicken permission. Yeah ok. Sure go ahead.”
11) Just don’t fast forward through these stupid memes!

“Content creator: Before we get into today’s video, I just want to mention this video’s sponsor. Me:”
12) Stupid memes wouldn’t be dumb without the hilarious Al Bundy…cooking Pizza Rolls.

“When you cook Pizza Rolls in the oven instead of the microwave.”
13) Enjoy Pizza Rolls while reading stupid memes but let them cool for 5 minutes first!

“When you don’t let the Pizza Rolls cool down.”

“A couple of teens doing a drug deal at 1:00 AM. Me looking for frogs.”
15) Don’t be idiotic, these stupid memes are funny!

“COVID won’t be around for that long. COVID:”

“Did you know that KFC is a strip club for chickens? Mmmmmm, yum yum.”

“Duct tape really can fix anything. My Check Engine light came on in my car, so I put a little piece over the light and now I can’t even see it.”
18) Stupid memes in 2050…

“Elon Musk, Grimes, and their son (2050, colorized).”

“Future is currently writing a book and working on a movie that’ll be available on Netflix in the future.”
20) Personally, I hope these stupid memes get likes on Facebook!

“Not gonna lie, I have seen some of you in person and you are definitely not 230 likes in 19 minutes.”

“If I had a dollar for every time Donald Trump said something stupid, I would have a small loan for a million dollars.”
22) Heavy and awkward stupid memes.

“How would you describe yourself? Me: Heavy and awkward.”

“I am useless and gay.”

“If the earth is flat, why is Africa by Toto like this, “I bless the rains down in Africa,” and not like this, “I bless the rains next to us in Africa”.”
!["In conclusion, [censored] you."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/stupid-memes-25-720x599.jpg?resize=720%2C599&ssl=1)
“In conclusion, [censored] you.”

“It seems unfair that the people who want to go to bed have to put the people to bed that doesn’t want to go to bed.”

“This item is reduced due to misspelling of the word bird. Thank you.”

“Change my mind: Joe exotic is Steve Irwin’s Wario.”

“When you let out a huge fart and the pain in your stomach vanishes: Inner peace.”
30) Life has only given me stupid memes…but I’ll take it!

“Life has never given me lemons. It has given me anger issues, anxiety, a love for alcohol, a serious dislike for stupid people. But, not lemons.”

“Don’t like my sarcasm? Well, I don’t like your stupid.”

“I may be rad but I’m also sad.”

“Me leaving Guitar Center after playing “Smoke On The Water” for 4 hours.”

“Memes then: Leaving school on the last day. Memes now: Where are my balls, John?”
35) Don’t be a dumb man, be a smart man and enjoy stupid memes.

“Men, don’t embarrass a guy by telling him that his zipper is open. Be a strong confident man and walk over and zip it up for him.”

“When mom lets you push the shopping cart: DRIFT.”
!["A morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness. He [censored] that goat."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/stupid-memes-37-720x728.jpg?resize=720%2C728&ssl=1)
“A morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness. He [censored] that goat.”

“My hands look like this so her can look like this.”

“Need this palette.”
40) Stupid memes loves big butts, I can not lie.

“I’m not fat I’m big-boned. Big bones don’t jiggle when you move.”

“Please put ketchup on the shopping list. Ok. No problem. Hmmm, I can’t read a damn word of this.”

“It’s the Pope.”

“Seeing work memes like: Ah. Humor based on my pain.”

“When she does kegel exercises: I got beat up by a taco.”

“When someone tries to insult you by calling you gay: U tried.”
46) Don’t get disappointed by these stupid memes.

“Son: Dad, why do you drink? Dad: I only drink when I’m disappointed in you. Son: But you drink almost every day. Dad: Bingo.”

“I may be stupid.”

“Telekinesis. Telekinephews. This is the kind of humor I’m into.”

“And the survey says you’re stupid.”
50) Welcome to the “stupid memes” show?
!["Therapist: What do we say to people who want to get to know us? Me: Welcome to the [censored] show. Therapist: No."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/stupid-memes-50-720x724.jpg?resize=720%2C724&ssl=1)
“Therapist: What do we say to people who want to get to know us? Me: Welcome to the [censored] show. Therapist: No.”

“They told me I could be anything…So I became a Doberman.”

“I think it’s a bad idea to eat this apple. Stop being such an incel, eat the apple, or I won’t have sex with you.”
!["I'm this close to crying my [censored] eyes out."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/stupid-memes-53-720x717.jpg?resize=720%2C717&ssl=1)
“I’m this close to crying my [censored] eyes out.”

“When the Uber driver tries to kick your crew out for behaving badly and you report the driver the next day: She was a Disneyland of mental problems.”
55) Read these stupid memes in the voice of Morgan Freeman.

“I don’t understand your specific kind of stupid but I do admire your total commitment to it.”

“Me walking into the scholastic book fair with $20 in my pocket about to buy 6 goosebumps and a Lamborghini poster.”

“Me: I don’t want to go on the roof. Friend: C’mon, it’s not that high. The roof:”

“Wants VS Needs: I want…vegetables, candy, bike, water, air, clothes, tablet. I need…hippopotamus.”

“Was it a bad day? Or was it a bad five minutes that you milked all day? I didn’t need such a personal attack.”
60) Call me dumb but all I see are stupid memes.

“What the packaging says: Serves four. What I see: Serves one.”

“When you tell yourself you are gonna start exercising and eating clean.”
62) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of stupid memes…
!["I woke up and got zero messages not even a good morning text but I got lots and lots of notifications from the [censored] I shared last night and I'm proud of that."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/stupid-memes-62-720x814.jpg?resize=720%2C814&ssl=1)
“I woke up and got zero messages not even a good morning text but I got lots and lots of notifications from the [censored] I shared last night and I’m proud of that.”
!["Working in customer service really makes you wonder who TF raised all of these rude [censored], entitled, mannerless people."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/stupid-memes-63-720x715.jpg?resize=720%2C715&ssl=1)
“Working in customer service really makes you wonder who TF raised all of these rude [censored], entitled, mannerless people.”

“WTF is this me when I blast sad music in my earphones and cry while I wash the dishes and clean the house: No one’s ever loved me like I love them but it’s okay and I’m gonna keep spoiling myself cause I deserve it.”

“If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?
I hope you enjoyed these stupid memes!

Please share these stupid memes with your friends and family on social media.