If you’ve ever worked in the corporate world or any job for that matter, chances are you’ve been called to a meeting at least once. In fact, a job interview could be considered a meeting but these memes are about workplace meetings and you either think that a) they’re productive or b) they’re a colossal waste of time. It doesn’t matter what side you’re on, there’s one thing everybody should agree on…any funny meme about a meeting is hilarious!
In 2020, meetings have changed dramatically and most of them were over video conferences like Zoom meetings. Everything from birthday parties to court cases has been done over Zoom and with a barrage of Zoom meetings in 2020 and 2021, it has left many with “Zoom fatigue”. If you’re feeling a little tired of meetings yourself, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the following 39 meetings memes!
1) Let the meetings memes begin!

“You get a meeting. And you get a meeting. And you get a PLC. And you get training. And you get some PD.” One more: And you get some teacher memes!
2) Funny memes when you don’t get dressed for your Zoom meetings.

“Me in a Zoom meeting vs Me just after a Zoom meeting.”
3) When you like your meetings on mute…so do I!

“I always mute my mic but when I don’t, it’s during an important part of the meeting.”
4) When cat memes take precedence over silly meetings.

“Meeting at 9:30 am? But that’s when I look at cat pictures on the internet.”
5) Meetings memes for a beautiful day.

“Beautiful day, huh? Meeting at 5.”
6) A meeting meme that proves the Brady Bunch were ahead of their time.

“The Brady Bunch predicted Zoom meetings in the 1970s.”
7) Meeting memes when bosses make you angry.

“This entire meeting could have been an email!!!”
8) Funny memes speaking the truth about Zoom meetings.

“1st Zoom meeting vs 10th Zoom meeting.”
9) A meeting meme where every day is now casual Friday.

“1st day of Zoom meetings vs 14th day of Zoom meetings.”
10) Relatable memes about Zoom meetings.

“Me focusing on the Zoom class vs Me checking my angles to make sure I’m still hot.”
11) When “Yes” is your favorite meeting meme word.

“Friend: Did you watch the video I sent you? Me: Yes. Friend: What was your favorite part? Me: Yes.
12) Everyone gets a meetings meme!

“You get a meeting. And you get a meeting. Everyone gets a meeting!”
13) Or, when “No” is your favorite meeting meme word.

“Got invited to a boring meeting. Said NO!”
14) When you realize all meetings are a waste of time.

“Let’s have a staff meeting and discuss the things that must happen but will never actually end up happening.”
15) Think we can’t fit another meme about meetings…think again!

“So, how many meetings do you think we can fit into the same day???”
16) When you need a meme and a meeting agenda.

“I will go to the meeting. Though, I do not know the agenda.”
17) When you’re having an important meeting with yourself.

“If you see me talking to myself. I’m having a staff meeting.”
18) When you have a brown-noser in the meeting room.

“When you’re in a meeting and everyone’s desperate to leave…But that one person who loves the sound of their own voice keeps asking questions.”
19) The boredom of meetings is strong with this meme.

“I’m just sending you this e-card during a meeting so it looks like I’m doing something.”
20) A funny meeting meme when you’d rather be working from home.

“Me as soon as a coworker lowers the office air conditioning by 1 degree…”
21) When lunch meetings are OK.

“12:00 Meeting. Lunch provided.”
22) When you really love meetings…

“Meeting. Meeting. Meeting. Meeting.”
23) …and you love them so much, you see them everywhere.

“Meetings. Meetings everywhere.”
24) A meeting meme where someone finally has a good idea.

“Our meetings would go much faster if no one spoke.”
25) A brain-melting meetings meme.

“Please end this meeting before my brain melts.”
26) When you experience first world problems.

“Sitting in a meeting bored and there’s nothing interesting on Facebook. First world problem.”
27) When the team meeting meme is fun…

“So tell me how fun was the team meeting?”
28) …because you assembled the team meeting.

“Team meeting assemble.”
29) A meme when you have nothing to contribute to the meeting.

“I have this many ideas for our next team meeting.”
30) Get free Zoom meeting tips to freak out your co-workers with this meme.

“Today I made a Zoom background of myself accidentally walking in on myself in a Zoom meeting. Other people in the Zoom call: What sorcery is this?”
31) A meeting meme when you can’t help but look at messy rooms.

“Me: Trying not to judge my coworker’s messy house on every Zoom meeting.”
32) When someone keeps hogging the meeting room.

“Waiting for a meeting to end so you can use the room.”
33) When meetings are driving you to drink.

“We really need some coffee for this meeting. And by “coffee” I mean “alcohol”.”
34) A funny meme when you have that one person in the meeting room…

“When you want the staff meeting to end and someone keeps asking questions.”
35) These meetings memes are dedicated to anyone that would do anything to skip a meeting.

“I would gladly give up my spot at the staff meeting to make a Starbucks run.”
36) Oh no! With this meme, we’ve almost reached the end of meetings memes…

“Yeah, if you could go ahead and wrap this meeting up, that would be great.”
37) When you also like memes about meetings.

“Yo dawg, I heard you like fewer meetings so I scheduled a meeting about the number of meetings so we can discuss meetings while we’re meeting.”
38) Funny Memes when meetings should have been an email.

“You were not at the meeting! It should have been an email.”
39) Dog memes about meetings with audio and video.

“Zoom meetings: With audio vs with video.
I hope you enjoyed this meme and the following meetings memes!

Please share these funny meetings memes with your friends and family.