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We all have one or more teachers that have made an impact on our lives and there are school memories we will remember for the rest of our lives. Teachers are the backbone of the educational system and it’s a difficult job but a highly rewarding one as well. Teacher memes are meant to pay tribute to our teachers and are highly relatable to anybody in the teaching profession.
Don’t have time to scroll through the list? Sit back and watch this video of funny education memes instead!
But like any job, there are things that only people who work in the field will relate to. If you’re a teacher, you’ll instantly relate to some of these 69 funny teacher memes so sit back, relax, and get ready to smile!
1) Age is just a number? Bring on the funny teacher memes!

“Who says teaching is stressful? I’m 39, and I feel great!”
2) Been there, done that.

“Teaching: The only job where you may find yourself saying, ‘We don’t lick the pencil sharpener.'”
3) What if I told you there are still 64 funny teacher memes to go…

“What if I told you lining up at the door does not make the bell ring faster?”
4) Living dangerously with teacher memes indeed.

“So you let your students choose their partners? I, too, like to live dangerously.”
5) Some of Oprah’s least popular favorite things.

“You get a meeting. And you get a meeting. And you get a PLC. And you get training. And you get some PD.”
6) Thanks for the warning.

“Warning teachers: Take the time to sit down and relax for ten minutes to eat your lunch…or you could end up looking like this!”
7) Elementary teacher memes work for me!

“You want extra credit? Tell me more about how you don’t do the regular credit?”
8) Elementary teacher memes teach us to always dream big.

“Tonight: Cut out 40 pages of classroom lamination. Tomorrow: Try to take over the world.”
9) That doesn’t sound right.

“Average starting teacher’s salary: $34,000. Average cable TV installer’s salary: $42,000. Priorities, America.”
10) A teacher’s work is never done.

“I don’t know why teachers are complaining that we’re not giving them enough time to align the curriculum to the new standards, input the data, generate item analyses, sift through the results, and differentiate instruction. What could they possibly be doing all day?”
11) More English teacher memes would be great, thanks.

“Mmm, yeah, if you could turn in your homework on time. That’d be great.”
12) Want to see what grumpy looks like?

“What I look like if you’re talking while I’m talking.”
13) Teachers can read ANYTHING.

“If you can read this, thank a teacher. ef yoo kan rid ths, you probably are a teacher.”
14) I feel your pain.

“My face after I just finish giving directions and a student asks me what to do.”
15) Gotta love English teacher memes!

“Staff meeting canceled.”
16) Following directions with English teacher memes.

“If you can read the directions before asking me a question, that’d be great.”
17) It doesn’t hurt to ask.

“I don’t always care about my grade…But when I do it’s the end of the semester and even though I didn’t do all the assignments, I’ll ask for extra credit now.”
18) Sit. Down.

“Are you bleeding or dying? No? OK, sit down.”
19) End-of-year teacher memes and taking time to recharge.

“Teachers are solar-powered. They charge during the summer!”
20) Goin’ crazy with English teacher memes.

“I’m not crazy because I teach. I’m crazy because I like it.”
21) Let me tell you, herding cats is NOT easy.

“Teacher Confession: Behavior management doesn’t always go as planned. Some days it’s more like herding cats.”
22) There goes my day…

“When the copier stops working, teachers be like…”
23) That would help.

“If ya wanted a grade, ya shoulda put ya name on it.”
24) Gotta love school supplies…and elementary teacher memes.

“I’ve already spent too much on school supplies…Oh, look! School supplies!”
25) English teacher memes…Justified.

“Hey girl, I love the way your criteria for success are so detailed and specific. Your students are doing to rock that exit ticket.”
26) I swear…I’m not that project’s father.

“So you didn’t know that your project was due today? That is a lie.”
27) Always ask for help.

“You were confused, and didn’t ask for help?”
28) I can relate to teacher memes like this one.

“When the loudest sound in the room is the kid saying “SHHHHH!”
29) Where is that junk folder?

“When you open your email and there’s one from *that* parent.”
30) You are right.

“You are broke. You are tired. You are a teacher.”
31) The sound of failing elementary teacher memes.

“Look at all the half-finished projects lying around.”
32) Whatchu talkin’ bout?

“Dear teacher, I talk to everyone. Moving my seat will not help.”
33) Read my lips. More elementary teacher memes!

“Did you just ask if you have to write in complete sentences?”
34) One more reason to love teaching…and teacher memes.

“Teaching – The only profession where you have to do more work to call in sick than if you just suffered through it.”
35) End-of-year teacher memes telling it like it is.

“You didn’t study? You shall not pass!”
36) If I had a nickel for every time I heard THAT.

“But teacher!! He was also talking!!!!”
37) End-of-year teacher memes? No, that sounds about right.

“Teaching: 65 hours per week for 36 weeks equals 2340 work hours. Other jobs: 40 per week for 52 weeks equals 2080 work hours. So, I deserve the summer off. Any other questions?”
38) A teacher calling your parents is the worst!

“I have a special set of skills. I can find your parents’ number. I will call.”
39) PC load letter? WTF?

“This copier is named “Bob Marley” ’cause it’s always jammin’.”
40) Whoa! Excellent! Teacher memes!

“So, if I just do the homework my grade will improve?”
41) Teachers are patient.

“Teachers be like, ‘I’m just gonna wait until it’s quiet…'”
42) Gotta love end-of-year teacher memes.

“Just so you know, teachers don’t “have the summer off.” They just do a year’s worth of work in 10 months.”
43) What’s that saying about apples, trees, and teacher memes?

“Teacher Confession: Parent-Teacher Conferences explain a lot.”
44) It’s the end of the world. Time for more teacher memes…

“What do you mean the laminator is broken?!
45) You’ve been warned.

“If you cut my class I will look for you. I will find you.”
46) That’s an interesting thought.

“If a doctor, lawyer or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn’t want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher’s job.”
47) Keep calm and…laugh at more teacher memes.

“Keep calm and pretend it’s on the lesson plan.”
48) Teachers are worth so much more.

“The moral of ‘Breaking Bad’…Pay teachers more money.”
49) It’s a love-hate relationship.

“Teaching: The only profession where you simultaneously hate your job and love what you do.”
50) So true.

“Every group project in school you have ever done.”
51) Pay. Attention. In. Class.

“That question has nothing to do with what I’m teaching.”
52) Teacher memes are the best!

“When the teacher sends you to take something to another room. I’m going on an adventure!”
53) Do I look tired?

“Teaching got me like.”
54) Uh-Oh. Deep teacher memes.

“That awful moment you realize this is your circus and those are your monkeys.”
55) Professional Development before and after.

“Before: What’s a PD??? I want one!!! After: I’ve just sucked one hour of your life. Tell me…How do you feel?”
56) Must find my happy place…and more teacher memes.

“My face when someone tells me teaching is just playing with kids all day.”
57) Animals everywhere.

“My classroom looks like I am losing a game of Jumanji.”
58) Go outside!

“I just thought of a brand new social network for kids…Are you ready for it? It’s called, ‘Outside.'”
59) I did not know that.

“This just in…Apparently, teachers work on weekends as well.”
60) Don’t you just hate that?

“The naughty kid at the assembly got me walking through rows of kids like…”
61) It’s all good.

“No one threw up or cried today. Today was a good day.”
62) Brain drain.

“This must be what happens as soon as I finish explaining directions.”
63) Reading teacher memes. It’s gonna be a good day.

“Went to the copy room. No line!”
64) Hi Mom.

“You know you’re a teacher when…More than 25 kids have accidentally called you Mom/Dad at work.”
65) That would help…and more teacher memes.

“Pinning teaching ideas should get you some kind of professional development credit.”
66) We’ve almost reached the end of teacher memes. Time to have fun!

“The look you give your friend when the teacher says, ‘Find a partner.'”
67) It’s the end of the year and school is out for the summer!!

“Teachers on the last day of school…Peace out!”
68) When you experience your worse fear.

“A science teacher’s worst fear: Today I said orgasm instead of an organism in front of 30 13-year-olds.”
69) When the teacher wants to scare students.

“I’ll make the first 10 answers C. That will scare them.”
I hope you enjoyed these teacher memes!
I have the highest respect for teachers because they are responsible for educating today’s youth; however, you just have to laugh when reading these hilarious teacher memes.
Please share these funny teacher memes with your friends and family.