The miracle of life is wondrous and it’s especially adorable to watch dogs, cats, and other animals take care of their young. These cute mommy dogs instinctively know how to care for their loving puppies the moment they are born and instantly bond with their new family.
Seeing all these cute puppies with their parents is cuteness overload! Here are 21 adorably happy dogs and their loving puppies and the pictures are guaranteed to make your day. The puppies are so adorable, and it is hard not to get a little happy after looking at them!
1) Dachshunds! This is so doggone cute!

2) That’s a lot of “doge” bowls!

3) Mommy dogs don’t get prouder than this!

4) WOW! Proud mommy dog to 16 puppies!

5) Family is everything.

6) So cute.

7) Mommy dogs are so adorable.

8) Keep calm and be fluffy. Sounds good to me!

9) Best family picture ever!

10) Proud mommy dogs taking a nap with her puppies.

11) I made this!

12) Look at that smile! So proud.

13) Loving parents so proud of their little puppies.

14) This adorably big wrinkle created even cuter little wrinkles!

15) Looking so proud with her family.

16) Mommy dogs love taking their babies for a walk too!

17) No shortage of fluffy bums!

18) These puppies are so happy that one of them is feeding while on his back!

19) These pit bulls want to grow up big and strong like their parents!

20) So proud of her little family.

21) Mommy dogs = Cuteness overload!

Family means everything to animals and it’s something all of us should appreciate. Animals love their family just like we do and it is our responsibility to provide them with a happy home.
Please share these cute dogs and their adorable puppies with your friends and family.