Have you ever heard of Half Pint Creamery? If you have, here’s an inspiring story. Even from an early age, Trish Motter knew what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Growing up, she spent a lot of time around her parent’s businesses (Biglerville laundromat and car wash) and learned everything she could from her parents on running a successful business.
You’re probably familiar with the following quote “if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”. With that in mind, she wanted to chase her own dream of building a successful business and doing what she loves.
Specifically, she wanted to open her very own ice cream shop, so in 2014, she took the first step and dropped everything to go after her dream of opening an ice cream parlor
Because she was often called “Half-pint” by her friends and family, Motter decided to name it Half Pint Creamery which was very appropriate.
Take a look at how Motter made a dream a reality and view just some of the wonderful ice cream flavors she created. If the following ice cream flavors don’t make your mouth water, I don’t know what will!
Trish Motter, Owner of Half Pint Creamery.

Half Pint Creamery Ice Cream Flavors: Birthday Cake.

Half Pint Creamery Ice Cream Flavors: Blueberry.


Cookie Dough.



Mmm, Maple Bacon

Moose Tracks.


Raspberry Cheesecake.

H/t: Imgur
After years of hard work, Motter now has 3 locations! Check out their Facebook page for locations and details. Don’t forget to try out their ice cream cakes too! If you have leftover ice cream, here’s an excellent recipe for ice cream bread.
Please share this inspiring story of a young woman turning her dreams into reality with your friends and family.