She Found a Cracked Bird Egg on the Ground but She Never Expected THIS to Happen

Klinger the Starling. A Baby Bird's Amazing Story Thanks to a Caring Woman.

In June 2014, Susan Hickman found a cracked bird egg on the ground but as she went to pick it up, she noticed a tiny baby bird inside. She knew the bird would not survive on its own. Furthermore, she was unable to find where the nest was located.

After contacting a few experienced bird rehabbers, they all warned her that he may not make it; however, she was determined to at least try. She created a makeshift incubator and began feeding him every 30 minutes from morning until nighttime. She named him Klinger and cared for him over the next year. You’ll be amazed as you watch Klinger’s transformation!

Watch Klinger the Starling…


This is a great story about hope and determination and Hickman’s devotion to her bird Klinger provided him with a second chance at life. If you liked this, here is another amazing story of a rescued hummingbird.

Please share this uplifting story of Klinger the Starling with your friends and family.

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