Bon Jovi Performs ‘Hallelujah’ and It Is an Unforgettable Cover of Leonard Cohen’s Classic Song.

Bon Jovi Sings 'Hallelujah', a Classic Leonard Cohen Song.

Growing up in the ’80s, Bon Jovi was one of the best bands of that decade. Not resting on their laurels, they continue to be one of the most successful music performers today. They have performed several covers of songs over the years; however, their rendition of Leonard Cohen’s classic ‘Hallelujah’ will leave you breathless.

Jon Bon Jovi and the entire band work together to make this an unforgettable performance. The lyrics are beautiful and the dynamics in his voice along with a violin and other instruments in the background make this an incredible experience.

Watch Bon Jovi Hallelujah…


When Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen originally released ‘Hallelujah’ in 1984, I am sure he didn’t expect it to be so popular. Today, there are over 300 covers of ‘Hallelujah’ that have been sung by singers and music artists and it remains a favorite for many at Christmas and Easter.

Please share this beautiful version of ‘Hallelujah’ performed by Bon Jovi with your friends and family.