25 DIY Pools That Are Hilarious but Also Brilliant. #12 Is Epic!

Having a pool is great for the summer but if you don’t have space, how are you supposed to stay cool on a hot summer day? Sure, you could go to a friend’s house who has one but the following people decided to bring the DIY pool party to their place. Their DIY pools are as simple as can be but some of them are actually brilliant! Who needsĀ a 2-million dollar pool when you can get a strong tarp, secure it to something stable, and fill it with water. That’s all it took to create these epic but funny swimming pools!

1) A cooler pool for one.

25 Funny DIY Pools - A cooler pool for one.
Source Unknown

2) Teenagers wanted a swimming pool inside their homes.

25 Funny DIY Pools - Teenagers wanted a pool inside their home.

3) This pool is literally garbage.

25 Funny DIY Pools - This pool is literally garbage.

4) Business in the front, a party in the back.

25 Funny DIY Pools - Business in the front, party in the back.

5) Taking a dumpster to a whole new level.

25 Funny DIY Pools - Taking a dumpster to a whole new level.

6) I always thought boats were for use ON the water.

25 Funny DIY Pools - I always thought boats were for use ON water.

7) An even cooler pool for one.

25 Funny DIY Pools - An even cooler pool for one.
Pinterest / Paloma Leblanc

8) Nothing like relaxing in the driveway.

25 Funny DIY Pools - Nothing like relaxing in the driveway.

9) These guys are redefining the tailgate party.

25 Funny DIY Pools - These guys are redefining the tailgate party.

10) DIY pools you can tow anywhere!

25 Funny DIY Pools - A pool you can tow anywhere!

11) A wheelbarrow has so many uses.

A wheelbarrow has so many uses.

12) This hay pool actually looks like fun.

This hay pool actually looks like fun.

13) Turn a tent into DIY pools.

Turn a tent into a pool.

14) Hangin’ out in the trailer.

Hangin' out in the trailer.

15) A true DIY inground pool.

A true DIY inground pool.

16) Using a storm drain to cool off. Inventive but dangerous!

Using a storm drain to cool off. Inventive but dangerous!

17) Turning a dumpster into a pool.

Turning a dumpster into a pool.

18) Cold beer, good friends, DIY pools.

Cold beer, good friends, DIY pool.

19) DIY Pools that can also double as a water slide when you are done.

This pool can also double as a water slide when you are done.

20) The horses called, they want their hay back.

The horses called, they want their hay back.

21) When it comes to DIY pools, two’s a company, and three is a crowd.

Two is company, three is a crowd.
YouTube / JamesHowlett2008

22) These DIY pools look uncomfortable but effective.

These DIY pools look uncomfortable but effective.

23) This little guy is taking DIY pools a little too far!

This little guy is taking this DIY pool thing too far :)

24) Here’s one way of fixing a flat tire.

Here's one way of fixing a flat tire.

25) Dumpster diving to the max!

Dumpster diving to the max!

When it means finding ways to stay cool during the summer, desperate times call for desperate measures! Please share these hilarious swimming pools with your friends and family.