23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn

The world is full of people who want to help and make the world a better place. The world also has some evil geniuses who simply love creating mischief and take pride in playing with people’s sanity.

These are just hilarious examples of people exerting their evil genius ways onto the world. Here are 23 evil geniuses that just want to watch the world burn.

1) Well played Sir. Well played indeed.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - Well played Sir. Well played indeed.

“Some people just want to watch the world burn.”

2) This gift is a roller coaster of emotions that ultimately ends in disappointment.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - This gift is a roller coaster of emotions that ultimately ends in disappointment.

3) These guys take Ding Dong Ditch to a whole new level.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - These guys take Ding Dong Ditch to a whole new level.

“Ding Dong Ditch Level: Pro.”

4) Attack mode initiated.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - Attack mode initiated.
Imgur / awolpriest

5) Hilarious.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - Hilarious.
Imgur / whatshappeninghere

“Whenever I travel overseas, I make sure to bring a handful of rocks from my own country and scatter them in random locations to potentially confuse geologists of the future.”

6) This would drive people with OCD crazy.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - This would drive people with OCD crazy.

7) Seriously?

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - Seriously?

“Some men just wanna watch the world burn.”

8) Very clever.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - Very clever.
Reddit / Sp4rtaN25

“Going to spank me? Good luck.”

9) This is the handiwork of evil geniuses that want to watch the world burn.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - This is the handiwork of the devil.

“Happy 1st day of your diet: I hate my boyfriend…”

10) I would need therapy after this.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - I would need therapy after this.

“My daughter had a nightmare about me getting sucked into the computer, after she watched Tron. This is what she will wake up too.”

11) That’s evil but brilliant.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - That's evil but brilliant.
Imgur / gimmeyosingssam

“Of Mice and Men: George shoots Lenny.”

12) An evil genius decided to put an electrical outlet sticker at an airport. No phone charging for you!

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - An evil genius decided to put an electrical outlet sticker at an airport. No phone charging for you!
Reddit / Rocketbird

13) Location, location, location.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - Location, location, location.
Imgur / rastrocay

14) That is SO bad.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - That is SO bad.
Imgur / steve699

“That’s so evil.’

15) Two worlds colliding. I can’t even watch.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - Two worlds colliding. I can't even watch.
Reddit / swiftkicktothedick

16) Nobody wins here.

Nobody wins here.
Reddit / abmiram

17) Evil geniuses that want to watch the world burn but at least they made cake.

At least he made cake.
Reddit / Sage199

18) Plot twist: the gum was Play-Doh all along.

“So tomorrow is going to be a great day…For the last 6 months I’ve been conditioning people to stop by my cube and take gum…Some people stop by multiple times a day. #april1st #icantwait #icanalmosttasteitbutyouliterallywill.”

Plot twist: the gum was Play-Doh all along.
Imgur / Jiryn

19) Booby trap?

Booby trap?
Imgur / vodoocc

20) This is one game I don’t want to play.

This is one game I don't want to play.
Reddit / Buzzlightyr

21) I would not want to try this.

23 Evil Geniuses Who Just Want to Watch the World Burn - I would not want to try this.
Reddit / [deleted]

“On a flight, to discourage people from taking the middle seat, I set my bible on my lap and smile like a talker at every passerby.”

22) Now find God.

Now find God.
Reddit / sojithesoulja

23) And pretty much any cat wants to watch the world burn.


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