We live in a time where women AND men are shamed for not being a certain body type, shamed for wearing certain types of clothing, or shamed for being disabled. Unfortunately, some insecure people need to be mean to others in order to feel good about themselves and it is so easy hiding behind an avatar on social media.
One young woman, Sara Petty, was tired of reading the body shaming messages that were being expressed by people on social media that she decided to post 4 photos of herself wearing her favorite clothes. She shut down the haters with one simple sentence, “Girls: Wear whatever the hell you want.”
Sara Petty was tired of reading all of the body shaming on social media.

She posted 4 photos of herself on Twitter wearing clothing she enjoys wearing.

Along with the 4 photos, she included this caption, “Girls: Wear whatever the hell you want.”

She hopes her post will inspire women to uplift each other instead of tearing each other down on social media.

H/t: HuffPost
Sara knows she is pretty and her confidence shines through in each image. She won’t let people try to bring her down and hope that all women realize they are beautiful. Please share these inspiring thoughts by an amazing young woman with your friends and family.