I would definitely consider myself as a perfectionist as I have a critical eye for noticing things that some people wouldn’t think twice about. Seeing things in perfect order is a bonus for perfectionists and these 19 photos will make your day.
1) Ahh, perfect decimals.
2) A perfect rainbow of gummy bears.
3) A perfect bowl of alphabet soup.

YouTube / Rhett and Link
4) A perfect box of origami cranes.
5) This pan is a perfect fit.

Source Unknown
6) A perfectly shaped green pepper.
7) A perfect dab of moisturizer.
8) The perfect bowl for this grapefruit.
9) This bar has the perfect mix of drinks in order.
10) A perfect snowfall on this bench.
11) Perfectly stacked oranges.

Google+ / Jake Croston
12) The perfect blueberry cheesecake.
13) The perfect pancake stack.
14) The always perfect spiral aloe plant.

flickr / duff_sf
15) A perfectly round snowball.
16) A perfectly browned pancake.
17) The perfect faucet stream.
18) Perfectly stored watermelon.
19) A perfectionist end to a toothpaste tube.
Some would say that Mother Nature is a perfectionist since so many things in nature are naturally perfect and I think that might explain our desire to achieve perfectness in every we do. Please share these photos that any perfectionist would love with family and friends.