If you’re a gamer, then you know that gaming is more than just a hobby. It’s a lifestyle! And, like any other lifestyle, gaming has its own set of memes and jokes that we use to make fun of ourselves and each other. I consider myself a veteran gamer because I used to beg my parents for the latest personal computer as a kid.
I’m dating myself here but my first gaming computer was a Tandy Coco 2 from Radio Shack! But when home consoles like ColecoVision and the Nintendo Entertainment System came along, it was a whole new game, literally! So, if you’re in need of a good laugh, look no further than these 35 funny gaming memes! Give your thumbs a break and get ready to get your chuckle muscles working! Enjoy!
1) Let the gaming memes begin!

“Accused of murder. Proves innocence by murdering everyone.”

“Air assassination today. Air assassination in my childhood.”
3) Even Waluigi approves of these gaming memes…

“Me, crouched in front of the used video game section for 2 hours.”

“Dad: Can you please stop screaming? It’s just a video game. Also dad during football games:”
5) Gaming memes only Fortnite players will understand.

“Every time I play Fortnite: My team. Me.”

“Game: Stealth is optional for this mission. Me: It still counts as stealth if no one lives to tell about it.”

“How to tell where the enemy is: Seeing them. Hearing their footsteps. Guessing where they are. Knowing they are close when the game starts to lag.”

“I bet many of you guys won’t admit that you play your games on the easiest difficulty. And that’s okay. Games are supposed to be fun. Not stressful.”

“Me in 2077 reading about how Cyberpunk 2077 is getting delayed again:”
10) Gaming memes will also do that.

“I’ll just play for an hour or so. And it’s dawn.”

“Level 1 MMO characters.”

“When the game makes you fight the same boss three times: How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?”
13) Gaming memes only Call of Duty players will understand…

“Me playing COD during an online class. My teacher on the enemy team.”

“I miss the days of buying a game, putting the disc into the console and you play it straight away…”
15) Gaming memes when you’re playing video games outside.

“Mom said go play outside.”

“When my little nephew asks if I want to play Mario Kart with him: You are about to destroy the child. Are you sure? No or yes.”

“Me: *saves videogame* Me: Did I save? I better save again. Just to be sure.”

“Show me a real gamer. I said a real gamer. I built my dad a PC (Core i9 9900k RTX 2080ti) and the first game he downloads is Doom (1993). Perfection.”

“Skips opening cutscene to play game faster. Spends almost an hour making a perfect character.”
20) Gaming memes only Skyrim players will understand.

“Skyrim summed up in one picture: Quest? I’m already on a quest!”

“When someone goes out of their way to revive you in a zombies game…I love you.”

“Here lies split screen gaming.”
23) Gaming memes for pro gamers!

“When you start losing the game so you just leave: I’m gonna do what’s called a pro-gamer move.”

“The harder you mash the button the stronger the attack.”
25) Convince your friends to enjoy gaming memes!

“When it’s 3 am and you’re trying to convince your friend to have 1 more game. Let’s go. In and out. 20-minute adventure.”

“When u tell a whole story and forget to unmute your mic.”

“When you use your last health potion to kill the boss and then you see a full phase 2 health bar.”

“Video games: The road is blocked. The road:”

“Waiting for enemies in Rainbow Six be like.”
30) Funny game memes that are 100% relatable.

“Watches you murder 15 people in the street. Happily sells you a hotdog.”

“Wears hood to protect self from sunlight. Leaves giant hole for cleavage.”

“Well, that escalated quickly.”

“When ya boy is crying because his girl dumped him and you realize he has more time to spend with you on Fortnite.”

“When you and a random make a great team but then he signs off: So long, partner.”
35) Online gaming memes even Jacksepticeye would love…

“When your mom tells you to pause the game and you’re playing online.”
I hope you enjoyed these gaming memes!
Please share these gaming memes with your friends and family.