25 Fortnite Memes That Will Make You Feel Almost as Good as Getting a Victory Royale

One of the biggest video games of 2018 has to be Fortnite: Battle Royale. Just like Pokemon Go, another viral video game hit, players are flocking to Fortnite in droves. It is so popular that it has nearly spawned a Fortnite industry with social media pages featuring Fortnite memes and Fortnite products finding success nearly overnight.

Watch these Fortnite memes that are almost as good as a Victory Royale…


A giant map, a battle bus, and 100 players vying for a win. The last person standing wins it all and gets the bragging rights of winning a Victory Royale. Here are 25 Fortnite memes that are almost as good as getting a Victory Royale.

1) Surprise! Fortnite memes!

25 Fortnite Memes - "Me jumping out at an enemy running past the bush I'm hiding in."

Fortnite memes: “Me jumping out at an enemy running past the bush I’m hiding in.”

2) So many friendships were lost in Mario Kart.

25 Fortnite Memes - "Kids these days talking about Fortnite and PUBG are forgetting the original battle royale."

Fortnite memes: “Kids these days talking about Fortnite and PUBG are forgetting the original battle royale.”

3) Get ready for the Battle Bus and more Fortnite memes.

25 Fortnite Memes - "Please let this be a normal field trip."

“Please let this be a normal field trip.”

4) Keep looking…

25 Fortnite Memes - "I'm looking for a guy who's willing to take risks."

girl: “I’m looking for a guy who’s willing to take risks.”


5) Millions! Fortnite memes!

25 Fortnite Memes - "Work for years on a zombie survival game. Create a small battle royale game mode. Millions of people play it. Millions of people play it."

“Work for years on a zombie survival game. Create a small battle royale game mode. Millions of people play it. Millions of people play it.”

6) That sounds about right…

25 Fortnite Memes - That sounds about right...

7) He’ll be glad to know that Fortnite is now available on Nintendo’s Switch.

25 Fortnite Memes - "TFW everyone at school is talking about Fortnite and I'm here like..."

“TFW everyone at school is talking about Fortnite and I’m here like…”

8) Not too shabby.

25 Fortnite Memes - "First chest starter pack."

“First chest starter pack.”

9) Even John Wick enjoys refreshing Chug Jug and Fortnite memes.

25 Fortnite Memes - Even John Wick enjoys a refreshing Chug Jug.

10) But his pistol was HUGE.

25 Fortnite Memes - "When you kill a guy in Fortnite and all he has is a pistol. This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever."
Facebook / unofficialfortnitememes

“When you kill a guy in Fortnite and all he has is a pistol. This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.”

11) The crib.

 "Just finished college, got a job and bought my own crib. God is good."
Instagram / @worldstar

“Just finished college, got a job, and bought my own crib. God is good.”

12) How it feels when playing Fortnite for the first time.

"Where are we dropping boys?"
Instagram / @fortnitememe.s

“Where are we dropping boys?”

13) You’re hired.

"When Trump plays Fortnite for the first time and sees that you can build walls."
Instagram / @selzerfx

“When Trump plays Fortnite for the first time and sees that you can build walls.”

14) Epic leadership.

"When your teammate tells you 'follow me.'"
Instagram / fortnitememe.s

“When your teammate tells you ‘follow me.'”

15) Let me finish!

"When someone is shooting at you and you try to build."
Instagram / @fortnitememe.s

“When someone is shooting at you and you try to build.”

16) Me IRL.

"We all know that one person that thinks they are good at Fortnite."
Instagram / @fortnitememe.s

“We all know that one person that thinks they are good at Fortnite.”

17) Karma.

"When your homie gets run up on by a squad in Fortnite and cries out for help but you remember he danced on you last time you got knocked."

“When your homie gets run up on by a squad in Fortnite and cries out for help but you remember he danced on you last time you got knocked.”

18) Just my luck.

"When your squad member lands in a completely different part of the map."
Twitter / @fortnitemememes

“When your squad member lands in a completely different part of the map. We are supposed to be a unit. Suck my unit.”

19) Must. Get. Gold Scar.

"When your team needs reviving but you see a gold scar."

“When your team needs reviving but you see a gold scar.”

20) So true.

Imgur / MemeDaily

21) Been there…

"11 PM: I'll just play one more game. 4 AM: Where we dropping boys?"
Imgur / AlbanB

“11 PM: I’ll just play one more game. 4 AM: Where are we dropping boys?”

22) 100% relatable Fortnite memes.

"When you playing Fortnite and just land and someone already has a golden scar, 100 shields, and an RPG. OK, den."
Imgur / AlbanB

“When you playing Fortnite and just land and someone already has a golden scar, 100 shields, and an RPG. OK, den.”

23) Sounds good to me.

"Fellas we not drinking lean in 2018...We drinking Slurp Juice now."

“Fellas we not drinking lean in 2018…We drinking Slurp Juice now.”

24) We’ve almost reached the end of Fortnite memes. Time to get some loot.

"When you have nowhere to go so you land in tilted towers. Guess I'll die."

“When you have nowhere to go so you land in tilted towers. Guess I’ll die.”

25) Only Fortnite fans will understand these Fortnite memes.

"When there is only you and one other player left in Fortnite Battle Royale."

“When there is only you and one other player left in Fortnite Battle Royale.”

Eat. Sleep. Enjoy Fortnite memes. Repeat.

Please share these funny Fortnite memes with your friends and family.