Cats and dogs sometimes get a bad rap but it is possible for them to be the best of friends. These 23 dogs and cats sleeping together prove that it is possible and watching them snuggle will make your day. They’re sleeping next to each other like it’s no big deal and it’s so beautiful to see pets getting along.
No time to go through the list? Watch this video instead!
It’s always heartwarming to see different breeds or species of animals get along and be friends.
1) Dogs and cats sleeping together = true happiness.

2) Life is good.

3) Snuggle buddies.

4) The best bed in the house.

5) Warm and comfy.

6) Bunk bed buddies.

7) Dogs and cats sleeping together. Can you feel the love?

8) The perfect pillow.

9) Taking a nap on the farm.

10) Best friends forever.

11) I bet he doesn’t want to move and disturb the cat. So thoughtful!

12) True pals.

13) First, we rest, then we play!

14) Tuckered out.

15) Puppy love.

16) The best place to sleep.

17) A lazy afternoon.

18) Dogs and cats sleeping together. How cute is this?

19) A trio of happiness.

20) A bed for two. Sharing is caring.

21) No better place than here.

22) Hugs are the best!

23) “Hi, I’m right over here!”

Pets are the ultimate mood booster and we hope you enjoyed this collection as much as we enjoyed putting it together
Please share these precious pets sleeping together with your friends and family and help put a smile on their day.