The New Canadian Passport Has Luminescent Artwork but You Can Only See It If You Do This

I live in Canada and am somewhat surprised I didn’t find this out until now! Canada’s ePassport which made its debut in July 2013 has just reached a level of uber-coolness due to its security features. Just like the luminescent artwork on Canadian currency, it also now appears on Passports too!

An Imgur user posted photos of the new Canadian Passport which has new luminescent artwork that reveals itself under a black light. The features have been available since its debut but only now come to light (pun intended) thanks to the photos that were posted to Imgur last week.

The Centre Block of Parliament

The Centre Block of Parliament

Canadian Passport Under UV Light – The Centre Block of Parliament.

Canadian Passport Under UV Light - The Centre Block of Parliament.

Samuel de Champlain, Father of New France

Samuel de Champlain, Father of New France

Canadian Passport Under UV Light – Samuel de Champlain, Father of New France

Canadian Passport Under UV Light - Samuel de Champlain, Father of New France

The Fathers of Confederation

The Fathers of Confederation

Canadian Passport Under UV Light – The Fathers of Confederation

Canadian Passport Under UV Light - The Fathers of Confederation

Canada’s Prairies

Canada's Prairies

Canadian Passport Under UV Light – Canada’s Prairies

Canadian Passport Under UV Light - Canada's Prairies

Niagara Falls, Ontario

Niagara Falls, Ontario

Canadian Passport Under UV Light – Niagara Falls, Ontario

Canadian Passport Under UV Light - Niagara Falls, Ontario

Nellie McClung, from the statue of the Famous Five and Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope

Nellie McClung, from the statue of the Famous Five and Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope

Canadian Passport Under UV Light – Nellie McClung, from the statue of the Famous Five and Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope

Canadian Passport Under UV Light - Nellie McClung, from the statue of the Famous Five and Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope

Cape Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the famed Bluenose schooner

Cape Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the famed Bluenose schooner

Canadian Passport Under UV Light – Cape Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the famed Bluenose schooner

Canadian Passport Under UV LIght - Cape Spear, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the famed Bluenose schooner

How amazing is that?

Important Notice to Canadian Passport Holders.

All these wonderful details can only be revealed under a black UV light and add an incredible amount of security.

All these wonderful details can only be revealed under a black UV light and add an incredible amount of security.

H/t: Imgur

UV lights are inexpensive and if you also have a Canadian passport, take a second look!

Please share how impressive a Canadian passport looks under a UV light with your friends and family.