When we go to work, we normally expect a typical workday; however, sometimes something out of the ordinary happens that truly makes our day. Jeff Louis delivers pizza and like any job in the service industry, he gets good tips and maybe lousy tips too; however, one day he had a request to deliver pizza at a church. He was somewhat skeptical when he found out he had to personally deliver them to the pastor; however, he did so anyway.
When he brought the pizzas inside the church, the entire congregation got together and pooled their funds together and gave him a $700 tip! He reveals in the video that he really needed the money because he wants to turn his life around; however, this was only the beginning of this life-changing event for Jeff.
Watch a pizza delivery guy’s emotional story of getting a $700 tip from a church…
Ever since the video has gone viral, Jeff has been receiving job offers and other donations to help him stay clean and live an awesome life that he deserves. Please share this inspiring story of how one random act of kindness can change a person’s life with your friends and family.