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Sunday is traditionally known as the day of rest. No work, just relax and recharge the batteries for the work week ahead. While we look forward to Friday and even send Friday memes to our friends, Sunday is a different story.
When Sunday night rolls around, we start thinking of Monday and dread the thought of going back to work after a glorious weekend. If this sounds like you, here are 27 funny Sunday memes that are perfect for lazy Sundays.
1) Let the funny Sunday memes begin!

“Can I send an email on Sunday?”
2) Sounds like a plan to me!

“My Sunday plan: I’ll sleep until I’m hungry and then eat until I’m sleepy.”
3) True dat.

“It’s Sunday, movements is optional.”
4) If only it were that easy.

“Fine day, Sunday…No post on Sundays!”
5) This dog is my new spirit animal.

“Sunday got me like…”
6) 100% relatable funny Sunday memes.

“Here’s a little song I wrote called…Where in the hell did my weekend go?”
7) Been there, done that.

“Got turnt Saturday night. Sitting in church Sunday morning like.”
8) One. More. Day. Off. Please.

“How I feel every Sunday night…Y’all got any more of that weekend?”
9) Zzzzzz…

“Shhhhh…I’m busy doing Sunday.”
10) Give it up for Sunday Funday Memes!

“Sunday Funday.”
11) Good advice.

“It’s Sunday. If you’re wearing pants, you’re doing it wrong.”
12) Best feeling in the world.

“When you realize it’s Sunday morning and you can sleep more.”
13) Looking forward to it.

“Leaving work on Sunday when you’re off on Monday.”
14) Paying for it on the day after.

“Me on Monday after a big Sunday party.”
15) Saturday should last two days.

“My Saturday was going pretty well until I realized it was Sunday.”
16) Relax and enjoy funny Sunday memes.

“Dude, it’s Sunday.”
17) Winning!

“Started week with Sunday Funday…winning!!!
18) Next to Friday, it’s my favorite too.

“Sunday Funday. It’s my favorite.”
19) It’s only a matter of time.

“The post office doesn’t deliver on Sundays. False, Amazon pays them to.”
20) Sunday memes are open 24/7.

“Wait, it’s Sunday. Isn’t the internet closed?”
21) I feel your pain.

“When I realize it’s Sunday.”
22) Don’t even try it.

“When someone wakes you up early on a Sunday morning.”
23) To pay the bills?

“Why you work on Sunday?”
24) She has a point there…

“Work on Sunday? Ain’t novbody got time fo dat.”

“You think Sunday Funday is a game?!”
26) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of Sunday memes…

“When you realize it’s Sunday.”
27) No more funny Sunday memes. It’s back to work tomorrow!

“But I don’t want to go to work tomorrow! Oh no…It’s Sunday night!”
I hope you enjoyed these funny Sunday memes and have a relaxing Sunday! Enjoy!!

Please share these funny memes with your friends and family.