14 Animations of How Some of Your Favorite Foods Are Made. #3 Is Disgusting!

The industrial revolution brought about many changes but if it wasn’t for manufacturing processes being moved over to machines, I doubt many of these foods would even exist. They probably still would but not in the quantities they are today.

Pringles, hot dogs, pasta and many more are shown being assembled in slow-motion glory. You won’t be able to look away as food and food-related items are being pushed thru the assembly line!

1) Pasta

Animation of how pasta is made.

2) Fortune Cookies

Animation of how fortune cookies are made.

3) Delicious hot dogs

Animation of how hot dogs are made - part 1.

Animation of how hot dogs are made - part 2.

4) Ice cream sandwiches

Animation of how ice cream sandwiches are made.

5) Capping pop bottles

Animation of how plastic water bottles are capped.

6) Making forks

Animation of how forks are made.

7) Chicken nuggets

Animation of how chicken nuggets are made.


8) Olive Oil


Animation of how olive oil is made - part 1.

Animation of how olive oil is made - part 2.

9) Pop Tarts

Animation of how Pop-Tarts are made.

10) Pretzels

Animation of how pretzels are made.

11) Pringles

Animation of how Pringles are made - part 1.

Animation of how Pringles are made - part 2.

12) Macaroni

Animation of how macaroni is made.

13) Krispy Kreme donuts

Animation of how Krispy Kreme donuts are made.

14) Toothpicks

Animation of how toothpicks are made.


H/t: BuzzFeed

Will this change how you eat some of these foods? Personally, this satisfied my curiosity about how companies made some of these foods.

Please share some of these with your friends and family, they’ll be amazed.