Photographer Jérémie Buchholtz wanted to find an apartment close to work but couldn’t find something he liked; therefore, he set out to build a living area to his specifications. What he ended up finding was not a house but an abandoned garage; however, Buchholtz knew he found a diamond in the rough. He proceeded to call a friend named Matthieu de Marien who is an architect and envisioned a garage converted into an apartment. The resulting apartment is an amazing architectural design that maximizes space and lighting.
No time to go through the list? Watch this video of how this garage was converted into an apartment instead!
This is how it looked when Buchholtz purchased it. There was a metal door leading to a storage room, basically a garage.

After the converted garage was transformed into an epic apartment, the metal door was replaced with a beautiful sliding wooden door.

Once opened, this garage converted into an apartment finally reveals itself…

Amazingly, most of the functionality of the room is all within this wooden piece.

It contains the sofa, computer desk, tons of storage space (each piece is a drawer or closet), and the bedroom sits on top.

A spacious kitchen and dining room.

The incredible amount of living space is all thanks to the excellent design of the area and its furniture.

The bedroom sits atop the wooden furniture piece and even has a gorgeous skylight!

A nice contemporary washroom with all amenities.

H/t: Reddit
What Buchholtz created with the help of architect De Marien is just amazing. Jérémie Buchholtz knew he could turn an old garage into a modern and contemporary apartment and this garage conversion is jaw-dropping. If you would like more details of how this apartment came about, please view this video.
Please share this amazing garage conversion of a garage converted into an apartment with your friends and family.