Anybody who has ever owned a pet knows how difficult it is to let go. Dogs are more than pets, they are part of the family. As they grow old, saying goodbye can be difficult but remembering all the happy memories helps us cope.
One young woman had to say goodbye to her 16-year-old dog named Meeka. Meeka was always a fan of ice cream but her owner never fed her any because it would upset her stomach. Because Meeka was in pain and had to be put down, she let her enjoy a huge cone of ice cream. Meeka enjoyed every single minute of it.
Meeka is 16-year-old and she has enjoyed a happy life and provided years of precious memories for her owner.

Because Meeka was in constant pain, her owner made the difficult decision to put her down.

Meeka LOVED ice cream but was never allowed to eat it because it would upset her stomach. Her owner let her enjoy a special treat of ice cream (with sprinkles!) for her last meal.

The Husky / German Shepherd mix enjoyed every bite and it was precious moment for her and her owner.

She lived a long life full of happy moments.

Meeka was blessed to have been given such a wonderful life by her loving owner. She will be missed but the memories they both shared is priceless.

H/t: Reddit
After the response she received on Reddit, Meeka’s owner wrote:
Thank you all for the wonderful comments, stories, and comfort you’ve provided. They’ve made me cry, laugh, smile, and wince. I’m so glad I was able to share her last night with all of you, and hopefully that helped you in some way. I also wanted to apologize for making so many of you cry! We often confuse endings with sadness. But, it does not mean it should be a sad/sob story. This is the tale of a happy story – a 16 year old beautiful dog that gave me so many wonderful memories. Now she is able to have a happy end to her life filled with ice cream, instead of discomfort and pain.
My dog’s name is Meeka and she is a husky/german-shepherd mix. She truly is an amazing dog…she use to be able to bark “I love you” and she could escape out of anything you could imagine(even a metal cage)! I feel so blessed to have spent 16 long years with her, but unfortunately it is now her time to run away to paradise. Meeka has forever left a paw print on my heart, and I will always love her.
The best way to celebrate your pet is to remember and cherish all the precious memories. Please share this sad but happy story of a dog enjoying a final meal of ice cream with its owner with your friends and family.