It’s always sad to see a dog so overweight that it can’t walk properly or continue
Over the next 13 years, he became a regular pet at the gas station eating scraps and any food that was given to him by patrons. With all the unhealthy eating and nobody to care for him, he ballooned to a whopping 80 pounds.
All this changed when an animal rescuer from a nearby town found Bolinha and couldn’t leave him in this condition. Follow his amazing transformation below and you’ll be amazed.
A stray dog named Bolinha has been abandoned for over 13 years and lived outside a gas station in Brazil.

People felt sorry for him so they would feed him food scraps and over the years, he gained weight and weighted over 80 pounds when an animal rescuer found him in September 2014.

The animal rescuer was from a nearby town and vowed to help change the dog’s life.

He brought him to the Animal Protection Organization (OPA-MT) where he knew he would get the care he needed. For the first time in 13 years, Bolinha was treated to a warm bath and he seems to love it!

The caregivers gave him the love he deserved and wanted to help him shed off his unhealthy weight.

To reduce pain on his knees and joints, they had him regular exercise on a treadmill in a pool of water. The water helped reduced the impact on his body and provided some resistance to help build muscle.

He also was fed less food but instead, the caregivers fed him hugs and kisses to make up for it.

It took time but Bolinha would progressively lose weight every week.

So far, Bolinha has lost over 30 pounds and it’s incredible considering the unhealthy condition he was in.

The team at OPA-MT will work with him to lose another 15 pounds and reach his goal weight. Bolinha has several more beautiful years in him and he will get a new family that will finally give him the love he deserves.

H/t: LittleThings
Thank you to the wonderful animal rescuer who found Bolinha and to the team at OPA-MT for changing Bolinha’s life. Please share this inspiring story of Bolinha the stray dog with your friends and family.