We all have good days and bad days. Sometimes, simply looking at funny images is enough to make you smile and lets you forget about your worries even if only for a moment.
Just like these funny pictures, these 18 funny images are sure to brighten your day.
1) Funny images: “Stay thrifty my friends…”

“I don’t usually go to a garage sale but when I do…I turn here.”
2) Ain’t that the truth!

“Kids during summer…Mom! Snacks!”
3) Funny images of signs are the best. All others will be toad!

“Frog parking only. All others will be towed.”
4) This crime may require stiffer penalties.

“Viagra shipment is stolen. Cops looking for gang of hardened criminals.”
5) How long was his cat sitting on his leg for!

6) Seriously?

7) This mom likes using the microphone while driving for voice to text instead of typing. Can you tell?

“Oh oops. There’s also some fried fish oh honey I know you are not fixing to get over in my lane.”
8) Sure to raise a few eyebrows at family gatherings!

“I met my wife on Ancestry.com.”
9) One word: overcompensating.

10) Just like Brian from Family Guy, he probably wishes he could go back in time and not get this tattoo or take funny images like this one!

11) He started dating somebody. So it begins…

12) Funny images will also scare the ice cream.

“Don’t tap glass. You will scare the ice cream.”
13) If I was a teacher, I’d beg a student to ask me this question just so I can do this!

“Me: Can you curve my grade. My professor. A little professor humor…”
14) I could go for that right now.

“How’s the diet going? Not good. I had eggs for breakfast. Scrambled? Reese’s.”
15) Here’s one way for your kids to lose faith in you.

16) I can relate to funny images like this on so many levels.

How to do the dishes. Step 1: Realize you’re living in filth. Yikes, haven’t done the dishes in a while. Step 2: The warmup. I’ll get to that…Right after I watch house hunters. Step 3: Do, but with indignation. This house would fall apart without me! Seriously? Step 4: Actually do it. Huh. That only took, like, 10 minutes.”
17) Funny images? This is what regret looks like.

“Suddenly everything tastes like bad decisions.”
18) Let’s be honest.

“You’ve aged. I made a birthday cake for my boyfriend but I forgot how old he was turning.”
I’m sure some of these made you roll your eyes but I hope you enjoyed them!
Please share these funny images with your friends and family.