They Unite Around a Manger and Sing an Incredible a Cappella Rendition of ‘Silent Night’. It Will Give You Chills.

'Silent Night' Sung A Cappella by BYU Vocal Point.

‘Silent Night’ is without a doubt one of my favorite Christmas songs. Whenever I hear a new rendition, it amazes me how artists can make this timeless classic even more special. BYU Vocal Point, a fantastic 9-man a cappella group, has recently released their version of ‘Silent Night’. It is so wonderful that it will give you the chills.

Just like ‘Amazing Grace‘ by another talented a cappella group from Brigham Young University, BYU Noteworthy, this music video is just as beautiful as the song itself. BYU Vocal Point brings together some of their amazing talents to create some of the sweetest harmonies you will ever hear. Watch and listen to this amazing rendition of a Christmas classic sung a cappella by the talented young vocalists of BYU Vocal Point.

Watch ‘Silent Night’ performed by BYU Vocal Point…


If you enjoyed this beautiful performance by BYU Vocal Point, their song and album can also be purchased on iTunes. Please share this beautiful performance of a Christmas classic with your friends and family.