Born at Just 33 Weeks, Rare Twins Were Born. Then, Doctors Noticed Their Hands…Wow!

Mono Mono Twins That Held Hands After Birth Turn One.

It was a story that quickly went viral and left doctors stunned. The image of two rare Mono Mono twins born while holding hands is something their mother still can’t believe to this day.

Sarah and Bill Thistlethwaite of Orville, Ohio, welcomed their twin baby girls who were born only 45 seconds apart by C-section. “Everything was just so wonderful,” Sarah told Fox 8 News Cleveland, “the girls, they came out, and then they were holding hands, which was was crazy.” Fox 8 News Cleveland decided to follow up with the couple a year later and they found that the twins are healthy and they are incredible together.

Watch these Mono Mono twins turning one…


Monoamniotic twins are rare and it happens only once in about 10,000 pregnancies and this family was blessed with two beautiful twins. They are also lucky to have a big brother that also loves them very much. Please share this incredible follow-up story on a couple that gave birth to Mono Mono twins holding hands after birth with your friends and family.

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