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Some kids don’t give their parents much credit but fail to realize that their parents were kids too. Today’s parents are masters at embarrassing their kids when they want and parents know how to use social media much more than their kids think.
The following 21 hilarious parents let their kids know that they’re clever and smart and do all of these things because they love them. Here are great parenting moments from parents that haven’t lost their sense of humor when it comes to parenting.
1) Parenting can be a little scary at times.

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2) And sometimes you’re not popular when teaching your kids a lesson they’ll appreciate later in life.

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3) Like this mother teaching her son an important life-saving lesson.
“Very mad mother selling 16-year-old son’s 1993 Ford Ranger. Drove 3 months before son forgot to use his brain and got caught driving drunk. $3,500 or best offer. Call meanest mother in Wyoming.”
4) This mommy also means business and teaching her kids an important life lesson.

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“Our mommy says if we get 1 million ‘likes,’ we won’t get crap! If we want something, we have to work for it. Not beg for it on Facebook.”
5) Father who made his daughter incredibly happy.

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“My daughter insisted on being ‘Princess Darth Vader.'”
6) Want your kids to do their chores? These hilarious parents are simply genius.
“Want today’s wifi password? Make your beds. Vacuum downstairs. Walk the dog.”
7) Father and son Star Wars fans being swept in a book to a galaxy far, far away.

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8) This father sharing fashion advice.

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9) An extremely kind gesture from new parents on an airplane flight.
“Hello! We’re twin baby boys on our first flight and we’re only 14 weeks old! We’ll try to be on our best behavior, but we’d like to apologize in advance just in case we lose our cool, get scared, or our ears hurt. Our mom and dad (AKA our portable milk machine and our diaper changer) have ear plugs available if you need them. We are all sitting in 20E and 20F if you want to come by to get a pair. We hope you have a great flight!”
10) Hilarious parents with a great sense of humor.

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“Insert here. That’s what she said. Love mom and dad.”
11) Parents giving 110% to make their child’s costume extra special.
12) Pushing his daughter in a stroller in the most unique way.
13) Parents having a little too much fun with a Sharpie.
14) Father shopping with his favorite little superhero.
15) A mother who made her son feel awesome.

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“My friend’s son saw his mom’s wedding dress in storage and got sad that he wasn’t around to see it. So they reenacted their wedding and let him be the preacher. This was the reaction after the vows.”
16) This dad is the coolest dad ever for his girls at Halloween.
17) Ripley costume from Aliens. Epic costume for dad and his toddler.

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18) Dad makes his daughter feel like she is on top of the world.

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“Best ‘take your daughter to work day’ ever.”
19) Daddy’s little girl and first dates.
20) Mother and daughter who like to “party on” at Halloween.

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21) Father who was the hero for his kids.

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“My dad used to come to our rooms armed with ‘Monster Spray’ when we had nightmares. He sprayed it under the bed, in my shoes, all the places monsters might hide. I loved it, the scent comforted me till I fell asleep.”
H/t: LifeBuzz
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