It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, if you’re having a bad day all you sometimes need is a hug to turn things around. That’s exactly what two young boys did and it will warm your heart.

In the video, one of the boys asks the other if he’s okay and the other says “Yeah!”; however, he’s visibly upset. Picking up on this, the other boy reaches out and gives him a huge hug.
Watch these young boys prove that sometimes you just need a hug…
The video has gone viral after being tweeted by @Kokomothegreat with over 200,000 views. The original TikTok video by shackychan2 has also gone viral with over 11 million views and counting.
I hope the video melts your heart because it’s a beautiful thing. The pure innocence of children is amazing and we could all learn something from this video. The world would definitely be a better place for it.
Please share these two boys that prove a hug could make your day with your friends and family.