Working from home is something nearly any office worker has wished for since the dawn of computers. The internet promised us the opportunity to do many things at home (including working from home) but it wasn’t until the pandemic that many employees got the opportunity to do so. But for some, remote work wasn’t what they imagined and these working from home memes are instantly relatable.
Everything from pets wanting to lounge on your keyboard to kids taking over your Zoom meetings, working from home can present challenges for parents. But whether you enjoy working away from the office or can’t wait to return to the office, I’m sure these 31 funny memes will make you smile. Enjoy!
1) Let the funny working from home memes begin!

“A month into working from home: What day is it?”

“When you accidentally share the wrong screen.”
3) If you’ve ever had a Skype meeting, these working from home memes are 100% relatable.

“When you’re working from home…And your boss messages you about doing a Skype meeting.”

“Are you wearing the…The same sweatpants as yesterday? Yeah, I am.”
5) Working from home memes…with kids.

“Working from home…”

“Virtual backgrounds on Zoom? We need virtual outfits.”

“Work from home: Casual Friday. Every day.”

“Company says work remotely due to coronavirus. Introverts VS Extroverts.”

“A conference call…At 3 pm on a Friday?”
10) Letting yourself go with funny working from home memes.

“Working from home: Day 1. Working from home: Day 5.”

“Work from home: Expectation vs Reality.”

“Government: Work from home. Lifeguards…”

“Me after having a talk with myself about how unproductive I’ve been today.”
14) Are these working from home memes putting you to sleep?

“Working from home: 9:00 am vs 9:12 am.”

“I AM giving you excellent customer service. If you would just shut up and listen!!”

“Me trying to watch all the different video feeds on my Zoom conference call.”

“My coworkers and me ready for another day of Zoom meetings.”

“No! God no! Not another conference call.”

“Oh, you’re working from home? You must be getting so much work done.”
20) Sit in comfort with working from home memes.

“When you work from home, you only have to sound dressed at 9:30 in the morning.”

“Purr my last email…”

“Working remotely. What my family thinks I do. What commuters think I do. What I think I do. What I actually do.”

“6:30 am. That’s an alarm I haven’t set in a long time.”
24) If you’ve ever had a Zoom meeting, these working from home memes are 100% relatable.

“Virtual meetings are basically modern seances. Elizabeth are you here? Make a sound if you can hear us. Is anyone else with you? We can’t see you. Can you hear us?”

“Welcome to working from home. The place where the hours you actually work are made up and your pants don’t matter.”

“When you’re on a never-ending conference call and your kids are like…”

“‘Work from home.’, they said. ‘You’ll be more productive.’, they said. ‘You won’t be interrupted.’, they said.”

“Working from home today. No pants.”
29) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of working from home memes…

“Yes, I work from home. How did you know?”
30) Making video calls with working from home memes!

“When you work from home and somebody wants to make a video call.”

“When your co-worker asks a question that makes the meeting go on for 25 more minutes.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny working from home memes!

If you’re working remotely, good for you! Please share these funny memes with your friends and family.