Generally, dog owners and cat owners will do anything including emergency surgery to keep their pets healthy but can the same be said about goldfish owners? In this case, the answer is yes!
When 21-year-old Emma Marsh, in Brisbane, Australia, noticed her 1-year-old goldfish named Conquer had trouble breathing, she knew something was wrong. She packed him up and brought him to the Brisbane Bird and Exotics Veterinary Services where they discovered he swallowed a large pebble. Because he would die of starvation if they didn’t take it out, Marsh decided to go ahead with the operation to remove it.
Emma Marsh of Brisbane, Australia, knew her goldfish Conquer was feeling ill so she brought him to the vet. They discovered Conquer the goldfish had a large pebble stuck in his throat and needed surgery.

The vets dripped an anesthetic in the water and when the goldfish was asleep, they prepped to have it removed.

They were able to secure the pebble with a medical instrument and gently pull it out.

Because the pebble was elongated, they had to be very careful to prevent any tearing.

Using steady hands, they were able to remove it without any problems!

I bet conquer won’t be biting more than he can chew next time. That is one large pebble!

The emergency surgery ended up costing $500 but Emma loves her goldfish and was happy she could help save his life.

Little Conquer the goldfish is feeling great after his surgery and ready for eating food again because he must have been starving!

H/t: BuzzFeed
Over my life, I’ve seen many people throw away large sums of money on stuff they don’t need. I applaud this pet owner for spending her money on a pet she cares for. I personally spent a lot of money on one of my parakeets when he was ill and have no regrets. We love our pets!
Way to go Conquer!

Please share this goldfish owner that spent $500 to save his life with your friends and family.