Cats are renowned for being incredibly nimble and you probably remember Didga the skateboarding cat who loves to shred. Well, another cat named Weston also loves to sled with his human, Jesse Smith. They don’t skateboard but sled down the wintery slopes in Washington state instead.

According the Huffington Post, Smith says, “Weston usually opts for the shoulder perch and does a great job of balancing up there. Also, being that it is quite cold during all this snow play, we do make sure to take frequent trips back to the warm car.”
Weston is no stranger to outdoor sports. Smith and his wife take him along with their other cat, Ellinore on hiking trips and they love it. In this video, their adventure cat is seen perched on his human while keeping his balance as they barrel down the hill.
Watch Weston the cat enjoying a day of sledding…
Pets love playing outside. You can bet Weston is ready to go again once they reach the bottom of the hill! You can catch more of Weston and Ellinore on Facebook and Instagram.
Here are some of our favorite YouTube comments from the video, “Sledding with my cat” by jessesphotos:
- “The cat actually took him sledding.” – Josh Chase
- “I had to put down my black cat princess Diana today he was 22 years old and so am I. He was always there with me and I’m devastated. This really cheered me and my mom up thank you.” – Megan jones
- “The cat is gonna be on the Ellen show and get a lifetime supply of sleds and owners…” – Naughty Noose
- “I like how Weston has his own gear on, sort of like Fallout 4 dog armor for a cat.” – Witchfinder General
Please share this cute video of Weston the cat sledding with his human with your friends and family.