She Verbally Abused a Grocery Store Employee for Being Slow but How the Cashier Responded Shocked Her

Grocery Bagger With a Disability Was Ridiculed Featured

People with intellectual disabilities are some of the hardest working people you will ever meet. They give 110% in everything they do and companies that give them a chance are rewarded with one of the most loyal employees they will ever have.

Anybody working in retail will experience rude customers but for this grocery store employee, one customer was verbally abusing him because of his intellectual disability. How the cashier responded was epic and she deserves a hug for standing up for her fellow workers.

Grocery Bagger With a Disability Was Ridiculed by a Customer

If you ever saw someone being verbally abused, how would you respond? Please share how this cashier responded to a rude customer with your friends and family.

Image Credit: The West Coast Reader | The Vancouver Sun / Jenelle Schneider

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