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Thursday is a glass-is-half-full kind of day for some people or a glass-is-half-empty kind of day for others. While many regard Thursday as the happy harbinger of Friday, just as many view it as another long day during the week that should be renamed Friday. Enter Thursday memes…
Whatever Thursday means to you, these 101 memes should bring a smile to your face. Just like every day of the week, Thursdays should be celebrated because it just means we’re one day closer to the weekend right? Enjoy the memes…
1) Let the Thursday memes begin!

“Have a fabulous Thursday.”
2) Hang on, we’re so close!

“Almost Friday! Hang on!”
3) Memes with some good advice for a happy Thursday.

“Happy Thursday. Always look on the bright side of life.”
4) Has anybody told you yet that you look fabulous today?

“It’s Thursday and I’m looking fab!”
5) These Thursday memes wouldn’t lie to you!

“Thursday! Are you serious?”
6) Happy Thursday memes just for you!

“Happy Thursday. Thankful that Friday is just around the corner.”
7) Put on your shades and enjoy these Thursday memes!

“It’s Thursday baby!”
8) Friday Eve memes couldn’t be funnier.

“Thursday is before Friday? False. Thursday is six days after Friday.”
9) It’s always a good day for Throwback Thursdays!
![101 Thursday Memes - "[censored] be like, throwback Thursday."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/thursday-memes-09.jpg?resize=720%2C962&ssl=1)
“[censored] be like, throwback Thursday.”
10) It’s time to rock on today!

“It’s only Thursday…But young Wongy just can’t wait!!!!!”
11) All I can see are funny Thursday memes…

“I can see it! Friday’s almost here!”
12) It may not be popular but it is the day before Friday!

“Thursday, I don’t care about you.”
13) Say it with me: Just one more day!

“Thursday morning coffee. I can make it one more day.”
14) A long work week deserves Thursday memes.

“Dear Thursday, are you sure you’re not Friday? Cuz I could really go for it being Friday today! Nothing personal Thursday…It’s just been a long week!”
15) You can do it! Hang in there…

“What do you mean, it’s only Thursday.”
16) Leave it to Friday Eve memes…

“How does Black Friday now start on Thursday!?!?”
17) I want Friday Eve memes too!

“Don’t Thursday me when I want it to be Friday.”
18) Have a double dose of coffee to make it through today!

“Happy Thursday. A double dose of caffeine please.”
19) Always be dreaming…

“Thursday dreaming.”
20) I say Friday Eve memes…

“You say Thursday. I say Friday eve!”
21) I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of THAT punch!

“Every day can be throat punch Thursday.”
22) Dance like nobody is watching.

“On Thursdays, we fly.”
23) Just fly and throw those cares away…

“Flying through the week! Happy Thursday.”
24) It’s Friday Eve memes!

“Thursday. It’s Friday eve!”
25) Dirty Thursday memes when you gotta work.
![101 Thursday Memes - "[censored] this [censored]. Just kidding. It's still Thursday and I need these."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/thursday-memes-25.jpg?resize=720%2C989&ssl=1)
“[censored] this [censored]. Just kidding. It’s still Thursday and I need these.”
26) Enjoy funny Thursday memes.

“Get a hold of yourself, Bob…The coffee is almost ready and tomorrow is Friday!”
27) Blessings to you on this fine day!

“Good morning and Thursday blessings to you!”
28) If it’s happy it must be good!

“Good morning. Happy Thursday.”
29) It’s not Friday but it is Friday Eve memes!!!

“Hahaha! It’s not Friday! It’s only Thursday!!!”
30) Thursday memes work just as much as you do. Hang in there!

“Hang in there, tomorrow’s Friday!”
31) Don’t worry, be happy!

“Happy Thursday.”
32) Thursday has never been cuter!

“Happy Thursday!”
33) Love them with flowers.

“Happy Thursday!”
34) When the sun is shining, the blooms are blooming.

“Happy Thursday!”
35) Ready for more happy Thursday memes?

“Happy Thursday.”
36) Gotta love Thurdays.

“Happy Thursday.”
37) It’s a happy day now that you’re here!

“Happy Thursday!”
38) Putting the fab in fabulous one day at a time.

“Have a fabulous Thursday!”
39) Dirty Thursday memes when you mean business.
![101 Thursday Memes - "Hey, you Thursday! Welcome back you sexy son of a [censored]! We've been looking for you since Monday!!!"](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/thursday-memes-39.jpg?resize=720%2C960&ssl=1)
“Hey, you Thursday! Welcome back you sexy son of a [censored]! We’ve been looking for you since Monday!!!”
40) I would be happy with ice cream too!

“Hope your Thursday is as happy as a pig in ice cream.”
41) Funny Thursday memes for when you have to work.

“How I feel when trying to get outta bed every morning. Happy Thursday!”
42) I see…Friday Eve memes.

“I see…Friday!”

“If T.G.I.F. is Thank God It’s Friday, then today must be S.H.I.T., Sure Happy It’s Thursday.”
44) Thursday is the new Friday Eve meme.

“Thursday is the new Friday.”
45) More Friday Eve memes? Coming up…

“Is…It…Friday yet?”
46) I only smell Thursday memes.

“It’s Thursday. I can smell the weekend from here.”
47) These ninja cats like to peek into everything!

“Just peeking in to say happy Thursday.”
48) Getting some work with Thursday memes.

“Laid off on Thursday. Job offered on Friday.”
49) A kiss that just won’t miss.

“Let us give Thursday…A kiss.”
50) Just do it with funny Thursday memes.

“It’s Thursday! Let’s do this.”
51) This day is loading up to be cute!

“Happy Thursday. Loading 95%.”
52) It’s so important to live every moment to the fullest!

“Happy Thursday. Make the most of this day…Laugh. Smile. Live. Learn. Play. Relax. Enjoy. Love. Help. Coffee. Be happy. Live every moment.”
53) Bless you for enjoying these funny Thursday memes.

“Happy Thursday! May your day be blessed.”
54) Sorry to disappoint you but it is Thursday.

“You mean to tell me…It’s only Thursday.”
55) Making the most of Happy Thursday memes.

“Good morning. Happy Thursday. Make the most of this day! Laugh, love, read, live, love, learn, play, dream, and just be happy. Live every moment.”
56) Funny Thursday memes my pretties!

“Happy Thursday my pretties!”
57) It’s Friday Eve memes.

“It’s Friday, it’s Friday. No, wait it’s Thursday.”
58) Let’s be thankful for every day but especially Thursday.

“Thankful Thursday. It’s not happy people who are thankful. It’s thankful people, who are happy. Always look on the bright side of life.”
59) It’s Friday Eve memes!!!

“It’s Friday!!! Oh, wait, no…It’s Thursday.”
60) Did someone say Throwback Thursday?

“OMG!!! It’s throwback Thursday!!!”
61) Black is especially great on Thursday.

“On Thursday, we wear black.”
62) Nicholas Cage is even in funny Thursday memes!

“Happy Thursday!! One more day to go.”
63) Thursday is a great day to “wine” down.

“The only thing I throwback on a Thursday is a glass of wine.”
64) Don’t worry, it’s almost day 5!

“It’s Thursday…or as I like to call it…’ Day 4 of the hostage situation ‘.”
65) Yes I did Morgan Freeman!

“Happy Thursday. You just read that in my voice, didn’t you?”
66) Are you ready to fly this weekend?

“Thursday today! Ready to fly for the weekend!”
67) I say Friday Eve memes too!

“You say Thursday. I say, Friday eve.”
68) Reading Thursday memes after work.

“It’s 5 pm screw it. Just kidding. It’s still Thursday and I need these.”
69) I couldn’t be any more serious!

“Thursday? Are you serious?”
70) There’s an acronym I could live with…

“S.H.I.T. I’m So Happy It’s Thursday.
71) Smile with funny Thursday memes!

“Smile! Tomorrow is Friday.”
72) Put on that smile for today!

“Happy Thursday. Smile.”
73) Gotta love funny Friday Eve memes.

“Some people call it Thursday, I like to call it Friday eve!”
74) Beautiful flowers just for you.

“Especially for you. Happy Thursday.”
75) Let’s do the dance of joy!

“Ta-da it’s Thursday! Nearly the weekend.”
76) Let’s all be thankful that the weekend is coming.

“Thankful Thursday.”
77) Thankful for just one more day.

“Thankful Thursday.”
78) I can see Thursday from here!

“Is that you Thursday?”
79) Is it really a useless day though?

“Thursday. The most useless day. It only exists as a reminder that it’s been a really long week…and it’s still not over.”
80) Thirsty Thursday memes…

“Thirsty Thursday…Guess what else I’m thirsty for…A good morning, quench me…”
81) When Thor speaks, I listen!

“It’s Thorsday. Let’s get hammered.”
82) Welcome to Friday Eve memes.

“When I woke up…I thought it was Friday.”
83) Throwback Thursday memes are getting dirty.
!["It's throwback Thursday? Throw yourself back in your mom's [censored]."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/thursday-memes-83.jpg?resize=720%2C720&ssl=1)
“It’s throwback Thursday? Throw yourself back in your mom’s [censored].”
84) Sparkly Friday Eve memes.

“Thursday we like you because you sit next to Friday.”
85) Is Grumpy Cat ever happy though?

“Thursday? Happy? No.
86) It’s time for funny Thursday memes.

“What time is it? Thursday.”
87) The day hasn’t even started yet and it’s already bad.

“If you woke up today thinking it’s Friday, you’re gonna have a bad time.”
88) Hope you’re enjoying these Thursday memes!

“Today is Thursday!”
89) Happy thirsty Thursday memes it is!

“Uh-oh…Guess what day it isn’t??? Happy thirsty Thursday!!!
90) Waking up to Thursday memes.

“I woke up today thinking it was Friday.”
91) I can taste Friday so it’s pretty close.

“We are ‘THIS CLOSE’ to it being Friday!”
92) No, but it’s Friday Eve memes.

“Well, I’ll be…It’s still not Friday?”
93) That was my reaction exactly!

“What do you mean it’s only Thursday?”
94) That is even worse than Thursday and I can’t even think about it.

“When you think it’s Thursday but it’s actually Wednesday.”
95) Yes! More Thursday memes!

“It’s Thursday which means it’s almost Friday.”
96) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of Thursday memes…

“Whoa…It’s finally Thursday!!!”
97) Time to wipe away those tears and go back to bed!

“Woke up thinking it was Friday. It’s Thursday!”
98) So close yet so far…

“Worst Friday is when you realize that it’s Thursday.”
99) More Friday Eve memes would be great.

“Yeah, if Thursday could be Friday, that’d be great.”
100) Not yet but it’s so close!

“Is it Friday yet? Thursday.”
101) Enjoy Friday Eve memes.

“You say Thursday. I say it’s Friday eve.”
I hope you enjoyed these happy Thursday memes!
“Look! I can see the weekend right around the corner! Happy Thursday!”
Please share these memes with your friends and family.