Texting games are a fantastic and fun way to keep in touch with friends and an excellent way to spice up an existing discussion that is going stale. There are many texting games to keep you and your friends entertained while having a texting conversation.

In fact, any classic game like “Would You Rather” or “Truth or Dare” can be played on your smartphone while texting. As you can imagine, there are countless games that fit the bill but here are 33 of our favorite texting games. Enjoy!
Texting Games #1: 20 Questions
This game is played by one person asking the other person 20 questions about anything. And by anything, I do mean anything. Celebrities, things, places, anything goes. The other person then responds with their answers. Simple yet fun!
Texting Games #2: Word Association
The first player says a word, and the second player responds with a word that is linked or related to the initial word. For example, if one player sends the word “blue”, then the other player could reply with “sky” or “blueberries”. This can be played with multiple people, and the game can go on for as long as desired.
Texting Games #3: Name that Tune
While we can’t type out a song’s melody, we can certainly type out its lyrics. One player starts by sending out a snippet of the lyrics. The other player has to guess the name of the song or ask for more lyrics. This continues back and forth until the player guesses the song or gives up.
Texting Games #4: What Would You Do?
“What would you do” or WWYD for short is a fun game to learn more about your friends or family. One person sends a hypothetical question and the other person gives their answer(s). As you can imagine, some of the questions or answers could be intriguing and offer a great opportunity to discuss the topics further.
Texting Games #5: Hangman
A classic game that can be played without the usual stickman. One person thinks of a word or phrase and sends the appropriate number of underscores. The other person tries to guess it by asking for a specific letter and if it’s correct, the other person replies with the same number of underscores but replaces any underscores with the winning letter(s). For example, if one person sends “_ _ _ _ _” and the other person sends the letter “G” and the word is grape, then the original sender replies with “G _ _ _ _”. A typical game of hangman has 6 guesses but this number can be changed to fit the game’s difficulty.
Texting Games #6: The Abbreviation Game
In this game, players take turns texting abbreviations or acronyms of movie titles, song lyrics, or TV show names. A great twist could also be playing a game with only texting acronyms. There are literally hundreds of texting acronyms like LOL, OMG, HADG, and so on. The other person then has to guess what the abbreviation or acronym stands for.
Texting Games #7: Trivia Bowl
What would texting games be without trivia questions! The sky is the limit on this one. You can leave it wide open or ask questions in a specific category to make things easier. One person asks a trivia question, and the first person to answer correctly gets a point. The first person to reach a certain number of points (usually 5 or 10) wins the game.
Texting Games #8: What am I?
This texting game is similar to Ellen DeGeneres’ popular mobile game “Heads Up!” but different in that you don’t hold up a word to your head. Instead, one player thinks of an object, animal, or person, and records it on a piece of paper or in a text editor app on their phone. This is so the player has proof of what the word is. Then, the other player has to continually ask yes or no questions in order to guess what the word is.
Texting Games #9: Would You Rather?
“Would You Rather” is a classic question game and works well as a texting game. One player texts another person a question with two options. The other person has to choose which option they would prefer. If you need some inspiration, here are 275 “Would You Rather” questions!
Texting Games #10: Where’s My Location?
If you’ve ever played iSpy, this texting game is very similar but instead, you’re describing a location instead of an object. For example, if a player is at a movie theater, they could send hints like “popcorn”, “seats”, or “posters”. The other players take turns guessing where you are and whoever guesses correctly, wins the game.
Don’t miss these other fun texting games!
11) Emoji Translation
In this game, one person texting sends a message made up of only emojis. Then, the other person has to try to guess what the message says. Ideally, the players would use categories such as celebrity names, movie titles, or TV shows. It may sound simple but it can get pretty tricky if you’re not up to speed on all the latest emojis!
12) In Character
Every actor in sitcoms or movies has catchphrases that immediately help people identify them. You’ve obviously heard infamous lines like “I’ll be back” or “Are you talking to me?”. Well, in this texting game you and a friend decide which character you want to be and have a texting conversation together while you’re “in character”. The person who can stay in character the longest wins the game!
13) Reverse Word Association
Similar to the game Word Association; however, in this game, the second person has to respond with a word that is linked or related to the first word but has the opposite meaning. For example, if the first person says “happy,” the second person might say “sad” because they are opposite emotions.
14) Texting Scavenger Hunt
In this game, one person texting sends players a list of items to find. The first person to find all of the items and send a picture of them to the other person wins the game. This is a great texting game for groups and could be easy or difficult depending on the items and locations you choose.
15) Truth or Dare
A classic game that can be played by texting questions back and forth. One person asks the other person a truth or dare question, and the person responds accordingly. Trust me, Truth or Dare can get pretty intense!
16) Reverse Reading
This texting game is the ultimate time waster and can really get your brain going if you’re in a slump. The rules are simple. Both players have a text conversation but the twist is that everything has to be written in reverse…Ti teg? If you “get it”, that’s great. Gniyalp trats won!
17) Friendship Tag
How well do you know your friends or how well do they know you? Instead of “Would You Rather” questions, this texting game is about asking questions specifically about you. For example, asking questions about your favorite movie, or performer, or even super personal questions that you feel your friends should know about you.
18) What are you Wearing?
This is definitely a flirting game so I’d recommend running it first by your boyfriend or girlfriend before playing so they don’t get caught off guard! How to play? One person texting starts by asking the other person what they are wearing. The second person responds with an answer. Then, the first person has to guess whether the answer is true or not. If they guess correctly, they get a point and the other player sends a picture of the clothing worn as proof.
19) Text Strip Questions
Since we’re on the topic of flirty texting games, “Text Strip Questions” is another great game for couples. You start off the game by texting a trivia question. The other person has to send back the correct answer. If they text an incorrect answer, they have to remove one piece of clothing. Each player takes turns asking a trivia question until a player doesn’t have any clothing left to remove, and thus loses the game!
20) Chain Story
One person texting starts by texting a beginning of a story. The next person then continues the story. This keeps going until the end when the last person sends an ending to the story. It’s up to you whether you want to keep it serious or funny!
21) Never Have I Ever
In this texting game, all players start with a set number of points, let’s 5 five points. Then, one person starts by texting a statement starting with “Never have I ever”. For example, “Never have I ever been to New York City”. If the person receiving the text has done what the statement says, then they lose a point and the person who sent the text gets to make up a new “Never have I ever” statement. But, if they haven’t done it, then no points are lost and it’s their turn to ask a “Never have I ever” question. The game is over when a player has lost all of their points.
22) Guess the Riddle
I mean, who doesn’t love riddles? This is a fun texting game and the rules are fairly simple. One person texting sends the other person a riddle. The second person then has to guess what the answer to the riddle is. If they get it right, they get a point. If they don’t, the first person gets a point. The first person to reach a certain number of points (usually 10) wins the game.
23) Sentence Unscramble
One person texting thinks of a sentence and sends the other person a list of scrambled-up words making up that sentence. The second person then has to unscramble the words and recreate the sentence and send them back to the first person. The first person to unscramble all of the words correctly wins the game.
24) Story Time
In this texting game, one person texting starts by creating the first sentence of a story. The story can be made up or it can be true. Once the sentence is finished, the second person then has to continue telling a story by creating another sentence. Basically, you are both creating a full story one sentence at a time. This continues back and forth until both people are out of ideas for sentences or the resulting story just ends up not making any sense!
25) Tell the Truth
In this texting game, one person texting asks the other person a question. Very similar to “Truth or Dare” but without the dare part. The second person then has to answer the question truthfully. The questions can be anything from “What’s your favorite color?” to “Have you ever cheated on a test?”. Personally, I like this game more than Truth or Dare because some dares can get pretty intense!
26) Make it Rhyme
In this texting game, one person texting starts by sending the other person a word. The second person then has to think of a word that rhymes with the first word and send it back. So, if the first person sends “cat”, the second person might send back “hat”. This continues back and forth until one person can’t think of a word that rhymes and loses the game!
27) Kiss, Marry, Kill
In this texting game, one person texting starts by sending the other person a list of three names. The second person then has to choose which one they would kiss, which one they would marry, and which one they would kill. So, for example, if the first person sends “Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy”, the second person might respond with “Kiss the Tooth Fairy, marry Santa Claus, and kill the Easter Bunny”. The game is then over and the first person gets to make up a new list of three names for the second person to choose from.
28) Most Likely To
In this texting game, one person texting sends the other person a list of “most likely to” statements. For example, “Most likely to get arrested” or “Most likely to win the lottery”. The second person then has to choose who they think is most likely to do each thing on the list and send their answers back to the first person. The game is then over and the first person gets to make up a new list of “most likely to” statements for the second person to choose from.
29) Word Game
In this texting game, one person texting sends the other person one word from a category you have both agreed on. The second person then has to create a word that starts with the same letter as the first person’s word but the word also has to fit the category. The first person then has to come up with a new word that starts with the last letter of the word that the second person created. Let’s suppose the category is cars. So, if the first person sends “Tesla” and the second person sends “Acura”, the first person would then have to come up with a new word that starts with “a” such as “Alfa Romeo”. This continues back and forth until one person can’t think of a word.
30) Finish My Sentence
In this texting game, one person texting starts by creating the beginning of a sentence. The second person then has to finish that sentence while making sure the full sentence makes sense grammatically. So, if the first person sends “I wish I could…”, the second person might respond with “I wish I could have superhuman strength”. This continues back and forth until one person can’t think of a way to finish the sentence.
31) First Thing
This texting game can lead to a lot of laughs. It’s extremely simple to play as well. One person texts a word and the other player replies back with the first word they can think of. There are no winners or losers in this game…just laughter. Everyone wins!
32) Guess the Picture
I remember an old Wii game called “Big Brain Academy” where one of the activities was guessing an object based on an extreme close-up image of it. Well, this is similar but YOU’RE choosing the object, and YOU’RE capturing the close-up image of it (with your smartphone camera). The other player then has to guess what the object is. Go out there, snap an image, and text it to your BFF!
33) Guess the Sound
If you’re tired of guessing the picture, then guess the sound! This texting game is a must for GIF fans. One player texts one of their favorite gifs and then asks you what sound they’re making. The other player then replies with the sound they recorded on their smartphone. This can get silly really fast and laughter is bound to ensue. I wonder what sound the hilarious woman typing on her smartphone below is making?
I hope you enjoy these fun texting games!
These are just some of the texting games that can be played with friends. They’re a great way to pass the time and keep your mind active. So next time you’re waiting for a response to a text, try out one of these games!
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