When it comes to birds, there are none as majestic and fearless as an eagle. When two brothers in Sudbury, Ontario, were out hunting, they noticed a bald eagle stuck in a small game trap. Neil Fletcher and his brother Michael initially knew an animal was in trouble as they saw ravens circling around the area.
The eagle had its talons stuck in one the traps; therefore, the brothers tried to calm the bird by wrapping their jacket around it so they could pry the trap open and release it from the trap. Thankfully, the bird remained calm as they freed the bird from the trap. The brothers even managed to take an epic selfie before releasing the eagle back into the wild.
Sudbury, Ontario brothers found a bald eagle stuck in a hunting trap. Watch as they quickly take action and try to free the bird.
Once they successfully freed the bald eagle, they released the majestic bird back into the wilderness but not before doing this. Taking the most epic eagle selfie ever!

Watch the video as they release the thankful bald eagle back into the woods. Fly free!
If it wasn’t for these brothers being at the right place at the right time, this eagle would not have survived very long. Please share this amazing rescue (and selfie!) of a bald eagle with your friends and family.