This Pregnant Woman Fell Into a Coma but When She Awoke, She Learned She Had Given Birth

It is said that people in a coma can still hear and process what is happening around them, even if their body seems unresponsive. This belief gave hope to the family of Sharista Giles, a young woman who defied the odds after a devastating accident. Sharista, a 20-year-old Tennessee resident, was five months pregnant when she was involved in a severe car accident while driving home from a concert in December.

The accident left Sharista in a coma with little hope for recovery, according to her doctors. To save her unborn child, doctors performed an emergency C-section in January. Miraculously, the baby was born healthy, though premature, and weighed just under 2 pounds at birth. Despite Sharista’s condition, her family refused to give up on her, believing she still had the will to fight and recover.

Sharista Giles was involved in a car accident that left her in a coma for over 4 months.

Sharista Giles was involved in a car accident that left her in a coma for over 4 months.
Facebook / Sharista Giles

She was also 5 months pregnant at the time but the baby didn’t suffer any injuries; therefore, doctors needed to deliver the baby prematurely.

She was also 5 months pregnant at the time but the baby didn't suffer any injuries; therefore, doctors needed to deliver the baby prematurely.

Four months later, Sharista Giles opened her eyes and was welcomed by her family around her. While she didn’t talk, she could respond visually and was responding to touch.

Four months later, Giles opened her eyes and was welcomed by her family around her. While she didn't talk, she could respond visually and was responding to touch.

Her baby is now healthy and 6-pounds and her family is confident Giles will make a full recovery.

Her baby is now healthy and 6-pounds and her family is confident Giles will make a full recovery.

This inspiring story is a testament to resilience and the power of hope. For those who wish to support Sharista and her family, please visit her GoFundMe campaign setup by her family. You can also follow her journey and receive updates by visiting her Facebook page for updates. Let’s keep this incredible mother and her family in our thoughts and prayers.

Please share this remarkable story of hope with your friends and family.