I LOVE science (and memes too). I remember visiting my sister’s high school during an open house when I was a kid and I didn’t want to leave their science class! In fact, someone took my photograph while I was peering into a microscope and captioned it, ‘a future scientist’ in the school paper.
So if you love science as much as I do, we’ve got you covered with this collection of funny science memes. From the best Chemistry Cat memes to funny memes only true geniuses will understand, these memes will have you rolling on the floor laughing. So take a break from studying or working and enjoy!
1) Let the science memes begin!

“I ask my students to send me photos of their dogs doing class work. It’s an under-appreciated photography genre.”

“The name’s bond. Ionic bond. Taken, not shared.”
3) Science memes that only fans of chemistry will understand.

“Different elements produce different colored fireworks: Copper. Sodium. Barium. Magnesium, titanium, and aluminum. Uranium. Strontium.”

“Did you hear oxygen and potassium went on a date? It went OK.”
5) Science memes only engineers will understand…

“Do you think it’s possible for someone to actually be very intelligent but poor at articulating the point they’re trying to make so they come across as stupid? Have you met engineers?”

“Doctor: Sir, the surgery has a 50% survival rate, but don’t worry, my last 20 patients have all survived. Normal people. Mathematician.”
7) Give it up for biology, phytoplankton, and science memes! Oh, and oxygen too.

“Everyone: Gives trees credit for oxygen. Phytoplankton who generate 70% of all o2.”

“Formaldehyde. Casual-dehyde.”

“How often do I like jokes about chemistry? Periodically.”
10) “Gathering” science memes is way more fun.

“Hunting but make it vegan. The girl didn’t know the world for ‘gathering.'”

“I like them thicc AF. But Sir Newton, we can’t write that! Then write this: The greater the mass, the greater the force of attraction.”

“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.”

“Molecule. Molecool.”

“Nikola Tesla. Thomas Edison.”
15) Science memes about chemistry are the best!

“Nothing is made to be broken. Uh, glycogen.”

“Petition to require every scientist to pronounce ‘molecules’ and ‘particles’ as if they’re heroes of Greek mythology.”

“I saw my friends sucking balloons with helium, and I was like, He, He, He.”

“Science puns make me numb. But math puns make me number.”

“Scientist: My discoveries are useless if taken out of context. Media: Scientists claim their discoveries are useless.”
20) Science memes featuring an awesome biology (mycology) story…

“6th grade I forgot the science fair was the next day. 10 pm in a panic, I find a loaf of molded bread my pops forgot to throw out. Made a study on mold, moisture, and air. Got 2nd place in the school. 5th in the city. Bread so moldy I was praised for ‘conducting weeks of research.'”

“Science teacher getting ready to say ‘Uranus’ in front of a new generation of 14-year-olds.”

“The geometry is too complicated to explain here but cutting a sandwich diagonally gives you more sandwich.”

“I think I left the Bromine and Boron in the cabinet. BrB.”

“Two moles per liter.”
25) Did I already mention these science memes are based on fact?

“Viruses have been injecting their entire genome into human cells for as long as humans exist. Now humans themselves inject a single viral mRNA code and everybody loses their minds.”

“Volt. Ohm. Amp.”

“I was going to tell a joke about sodium…but Na.”

“I want gold but the A is silent.”

“We did it, we time traveled! But to what year? Let me ask that guy over there. What time are we in? 59 B.C. We aren’t the only time travelers here.”
30) Gotta love cheeky science memes!

“Welcome to science hell, professor. This is Tony, he once saw something on the internet about your field of expertise and is going to spend eternity lecturing you on it.”

“What do you get when you cut the avocado into 6×10^23 pieces? Guacamole.”
I hope you enjoyed these science memes!
Please share these science memes with your friends and family.