1-Year-Old Rescued Golden Retriever Never Had a Toy but Now She Gets to Choose One All by Herself

Roo the Rescued Golden Retriever Picks Out a Chew Toy.

Meet Roo, a 1-year-old rescued Golden Retriever who lived a life of imprisonment, starvation, and neglect and was eventually scheduled to be euthanized. Everything changed for Roo after she was randomly assigned with a new foster dad and their bond grew.

Roo was finally given a beautiful home and today her new owner treats her like a queen. She never had a chew toy but this would soon change. She was given the chance to choose any toy she wanted and it’s a joy to watch her. After a lot of searching, you’ll smile when she finds the one she wants.

Watch Roo the dog pick out a toy for the first time…


Her story is incredible and if you want to know more about Roo and her journey, read her No products found.. Please share this cute video of Roo the dog picking out her toy for the first time with your friends and family.

Last update on 2025-02-06 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API