Rafters With a Heart of Gold Rescue Drowning Ground Squirrel

I never get tired of animal rescue stories such as this freezing baby squirrel that was nursed back to life. These small animals need all the help they can get when they get into dangerous situations.

When a group of river rafters noticed something in the water, they got closer and noticed a drowning squirrel struggling to stay afloat. After picking it up, their kind heart helped this beautiful little squirrel regain its strength and get back safely to its home.

Rafters rescued a drowning squirrel. It was tired and found shivering from being in the frigid water.

Rafters With a Heart of Gold Rescue Drowning Ground Squirrel.


The rafters bundled up the squirrel with warm clothing.

The rafters bundled up the squirrel with warm clothing.


Surrounded with warmth, the squirrel slept for nearly an hour and began slowly eating when it woke up.

Surrounded with warmth, the squirrel slept for nearly an hour and began slowly eating when it woke up.


This little fella was tired and hungry but slowly regaining its strength.

This little fella was tired and hungry but slowly regaining its strength.

He was finally moving around and eating small seeds that the rafters found.

He was finally moving around and eating small seeds that the rafters found.


It only took a little more than an hour but the tiny squirrel was already feeling better. After being rescued, it wanted to go home.

It only took a little more than an hour but the tiny squirrel was already feeling better. After being rescued, it wanted to go home.


The heroic rafters let the squirrel go and he quickly ran back into the woods.

The heroic rafters let the squirrel go and he quickly ran back into the woods.

It must be such an amazing feeling to be able to release an animal you just saved back into the wild and these rafters did exactly that. Please share this heartwarming rescue of a drowning squirrel with your friends and family.

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