Do you ever get so fed up with politics that you just want to laugh it off? Well, if that’s how you feel, then you’re going to love these funny political memes. They are a great way to lighten the mood and take a break from all the seriousness.
These memes don’t lean to the right, nor do they lean to the left. They were simply created to make everyday people laugh at the world of politics. So if you’re ready to let your hair down and just have fun, check out these 33 funny political memes that we curated just for you. Enjoy!
Let the funny political memes begin!
1) “A picture says a thousand words: Obama ’09 vs Trump ’17.”

2) “And then we told America I had a degree.”

3) “Bernie Sanders is, by American standards a terrible politician. He refuses bribes, is honest, and actually wants to help people.”

4) “Both men are 71 years old. What a difference a woman can make.”

5) “Breaking news: Trump casts vote in the presidential race. When you’re not even sure your wife is voting for you.”

6) “Britain in British history books: I love democracy. I love the republic. Britain in every other history book: *evil laughter*”

7) “Let’s call her Monica.”

8) “Remember: Capitalism is working perfectly. You are supposed to be exhausted and worried you’ll lose your income and die penniless. It makes it easier to take advantage of you and pay you less. If you’re too busy worrying about rent, you don’t have time to battle the unfair system.”

9) “Enough said.”

10) “4 words, 19 letters. Say it, and I’m yours. Shall not be infringed.”

11) “Hey, Melania…Do you want to help stop cyberbullying? Find your husband’s phone and delete his Twitter account!”

12) “Hi, guys, lotta rumors on the timeline tonight so I just wanted to go live to share some truths.”

13) “History teachers in 30 years trying to explain everything that happened in 2020, like…”

14) “I made this Bernie sitting meme to contribute to the cause. Medicare for all. Change my mind.”

I love democracy!
15) “In a democracy, anybody can grow up to be president. Anybody who doesn’t grow up can be vice president.”

16) “It was at this moment Barack regretted letting Joe Biden choose his own outfit.”

17) “It’s Obama’s last day. He better get busy if he’s going to impose socialism, sharia law, FEMA camps, mandatory abortions and death panels, declare martial law, wreck the economy, force us all to get gay married and confiscate all our guns.”

18) “Mommy, where do politicians come from? Well, sweetie…When a clown and a serial killer love each other very much…”

19) “No, no, I’m not really an OB/GYN but I play one in Congress.”

20) “Oh, we can’t pass gun laws because it treads on your liberty? Tell me more about how we must regulate marriage and vaginas.”

21) “Pluto demands to be a planet again or it will shut down the universe.”

22) “Presidential debate. Vice presidential debate.”

23) “Remember when politics attracted the brightest and most intelligent? What the hell happened?”

24) “Stop calling me orange! Impeach.”

25) “Tax dollars. Impeachment trials, welfare, foreign countries. Roads, schools, middle-class workers. Congress: I am a generous god.”

26) “Terrorism, 2021. Politics, 1774.”

27) “When Trudeau helps fight wildfires.”

28) “2021. 2022.”

29) “We spend 50% more hours in school than Finland. And they get 15 min of recess every hour. They have no standardized tests except for PISA in HS and they outperform us every time. If we can’t give students more movement, recess, and play time then we don’t understand education.”

30) “What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.”

31) “When the substitute teacher goes to the bathroom for too long.”

32) “With this technology, we will bring the United States to its knees.”

33) “Worst president ever. Hold my beer.”

I hope you enjoyed these political memes!
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