Pit Bulls sometimes don’t get treated like they should because of a lot of negative stereotypes regarding this dog breed; however, Pit Bulls can be one of the sweetest and caring dogs you could ever own. Pit Bulls are athletic dogs and they love to demonstrate this to their owners but sometimes they can be silly!
An adorable rescued Pit Bull named Oakland in this video notices his owner’s daughter, 4-year-old Kailyn, doing cartwheels and he thinks he can pull it off too. Oakland wants to show his owner Jacqueline Sloan Ziegler that he can do doggy cartwheels too and both of them are cartwheeling within minutes.
Watch this hilarious doggy doing cartwheels…
It is so sweet to see Oakland and Kailyn rolling around on the rug and having the best time ever. Best buds for life! Please share this cute video of a Pit Bull doing cartwheels with a little girl with your friends and family.