Welcome, curious minds and science enthusiasts, to a world where Newton’s laws and Schrödinger’s cat collide with humor and wit! Today, we embark on a journey through the realms of physics with a twist of laughter, as we unveil a collection of side-splitting physics memes that are bound to tickle your neurons and make you giggle like never before.
For centuries, physics has been the bedrock of our understanding of the natural world. From unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos to explaining the tiniest particles that make up our universe, physicists have been our intellectual trailblazers. But in the midst of their serious pursuits, they’ve also discovered that a good laugh can spark fresh insights and add some levity to the complexities they study.
Today, we’re bringing together 27 of the best physics memes from across the internet just for you! Whether you’re a seasoned physicist or someone who finds joy in exploring the wonders of science, these memes are sure to resonate with you on a fundamental level. So grab your favorite beverage, put on your thinking cap, and let’s dive headfirst into a world where science meets laughter in the most unforgettable way.
1) Let the Physics memes begin!

“Me a physics graduate answering every question Neil DeGrasse asks. An episode of cosmos.”

“Can someone explain to me how they got all the ice through the small hole? Imagine being this stupid.”

‘Chemistry students using various codes and methods to remember natural laws. Physics students: Hand.”

“Chemists when they pick up a Physics textbook: How can you read this? There are no hexagons.”

“Electron: **goes through both slits** Physicist: **places a detector** Electron: Well now I am not doing it.”

“Flat earthers: I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that.”

“Hello my name is Joby, I have a PhD in Physics and I work for NASA and I just had to look up the equation for the volume of a sphere.”

“How do we know if they’re actually dead or just pretending? Physicists. Isaac Newton invented gravity. Discovered.”

“I don’t know if the cat is dead or alive until I watch inside the box. Miaow. Shut up.”

“Why is there no Flat Mars Society? Hi Elon Musk, thanks for the question. Unlike Earth, Mars has been observed to be round. We hope you have a fantastic day! Flat Earth Society: In terms of common sense, we have no common sense.”

“Join the resistance. Ohm…

“Last book that made you cry. University Physics with Modern Physics 14th Edition by Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman. No doubt tears of joy. I used this book to press my tofu tonight It brought me joy. In pressing your tofu, you were applying a normal force (Chapter 4) and increasing the bulk stress on the tofu (Chapter 11). Well played!”

“Literally no one. Physics books: Assume that a penguin is a circular cylinder.”

“Mathematicians: Just multiply by dx…Nooo! Derivatives aren’t fractions! You can’t make such blatant approximations!! Physicists: Is a cow a sphere? Yes.”

“Me: May 2020 is almost over. I hope June gets better. June 202: Earth’s magnetic field is gradually weakening.”

“Me and my son doing his math homework.”

“Mercury in chemistry. Mercury in astronomy.”

“Normal people: Steering. Break. Gas. Physicists: Accelerator. Accelerator. Accelerator.”

“Physicist: Here is a law. Every body in the universe will follow it and there are no exceptions to this law. Chemist: Here is a lawm. Omly two elements follow it, whilme the remaining 116 elements are an excepmtion to this lawm.”
!["Physics undergrads. The mathematics behind astrophysics. Black holes, galaxies, and other [censored]."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/physics-memes-20-800x800.jpg?resize=800%2C800&ssl=1)
“Physics undergrads. The mathematics behind astrophysics. Black holes, galaxies, and other [censored].”

“Problems in physics books be like:”

“Professor: Your formula sheet has to be one-sided. Me:”

“ResisThor. CapaciThor. InduThor. TransisThor.”

“Physics students find out that the laws of physics stop when operating at a very small level. You have freed us! Quantum physics: Oh, I would say ‘freed’, more like ‘under new management.'”

“Physics teacher: You have a lot of potential, you should use it. Me realizing we are standing at the top of a building.”

“The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe. Say that again, but slowly.”

“Why is it a bad idea to major in physics? The math is hard. You’ll never enjoy action movies again as you’ll always notice the wrong physics.”
I hope you enjoyed these Physics memes!
“It’s funny because it’s true.”
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