A little girl named Maya (a.k.a the deer whisperer) was helping her parents unpack the car. When she turned around, she noticed a newborn fawn walking across the lawn. Almost immediately, the fawn quietly went over to the little girl like there was an existing bond between them.

What almost appears like a Disney movie in real life, the fawn follows Maya around. They have a natural connection you just can’t explain. She walks back into the woods and the fawn hunkers down into the grass and seems content in the little girl’s presence.
This unique friendship between a young girl and a fawn is a reminder that we can develop connections with creatures from other species. These bonds are built on trust, respect, and a shared sense of wonder at the world around us.
Watch this little girl who is a natural deer whisperer…
According to YouTuber Brad Herring, the fawn was reunited with his mother the next day but I’m sure the fawn will never forget Maya. This video reminds us that we should cherish and protect the natural world because it’s a part of who we are. Have you ever encountered a deer or doe in your yard? Let us know in the comments below!
Please share this cute video of a deer whisperer with your friends and family.