I love music. I remember sneaking down to my parent’s basement and listening to their album collection. Elvis, The Beatles, and even Fats Domino, it was all there for the listening and my ears loved it! I later wanted to learn how to play the piano but switched to guitar as it just felt more like my style. But, whether you’re a musician, music fan, or both, you’re going to love these funny music memes!
From classic songs and musicians to current pop stars and trends, these 39 music memes will have you laughing out loud. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some hilarious laughs courtesy of the world of music. And if you’re a young music listener, here’s a piece of advice: Learn to appreciate all of the different styles of music as they all have more in common than you think!
1) Let the funny music memes begin!

“I’ve always been crazy, but it’s kept me from going insane.” – Waylon Jennings

“An orchestra of 120 players takes 40 minutes to play Beethoven’s 9th Symphony. How long would it take for 60 players to play the symphony? Let P be the number of players and T the time playing. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.”
3) Music memes remind you of the best feeling ever.

“Arrives home. The music ends as you finish parking.”

“You’ve been hit by. You’ve been struck by. A smooth criminal.”
5) Get ready for the best music memes ever!

“Best song ever! Like when you get it!” Hint: The song is by Queen.

“Checking to see if those weird sounds are part of the music or not.”
7) Get seduced by music memes…

“I’m completely vulnerable to music. I’m seduced by it.” – Debbie Harry

“If you ever feel bad about procrastinating, just remember that Mozart wrote the overture to Don Giovanni the morning it premiered.”
![39 Music Memes - "Fans when a band changes their sound: You [censored] donkey. Fans when a band doesn't change their sound: You [censored] donkey."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/music-memes-09.jpg?resize=720%2C539&ssl=1)
“Fans when a band changes their sound: You [censored] donkey. Fans when a band doesn’t change their sound: You [censored] donkey.”
10) Hope you like these music memes too! Let us know in the comments.

“When you get a song stuck in your head but it’s actually a good song and you like it.”

“Guitar strings be like.”
12) Who needs headphones when you can read music!

“Headphones are so overrated.”

“I think this world would be so much happier if everyone broke out in song and dance every once in a while…”

“If you’re runnin’ down my country, man, you’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me.” – Merle Haggard
15) Gotta love funny music memes!
!["Imagine [censored] a musician and they just start saying what note you're moaning in. [censored] in A minor."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/music-memes-15.jpg?resize=720%2C731&ssl=1)
“Imagine [censored] a musician and they just start saying what note you’re moaning in. [censored] in A minor.”

“In 1978, astrophysicist Brian May, assisted by F. Mercury, postulated that the earth’s rotation was to ‘Fat-Bottomed Girl.’ After more than 40 years without being disproven, refuted, or, really, even seriously questioned, this now must be considered scientific fact.”
17) Enjoying music memes when love hurts…

“Me restarting the song bc the part that hurts me the most didn’t hurt me enough.”

“When music nerds pass notes in music theory: Hold mi.”

“Musicians in the 70s when they couldn’t think of how to end the song:”
20) Music memes in six flats.

“One does not simply sight read a piece of six flats.”


“Playing my instrument vs. Playing the same instrument except I’m recording it.”

“Remember concerts? This is a rug, under a coffee table.”

“Playing a 7/11 polyrhythm inside a 7-Eleven on July 11th at 7:11 for 7 minutes and 11 seconds.” Watch the video!
25) Singing a song from the inspiration of music memes.
!["Singing a song you don't know? Don't worry. That 15-second part you do know is coming up...And you're gonna own that [censored]."](https://i0.wp.com/www.winkgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/music-memes-25.jpg?resize=720%2C504&ssl=1)
“Singing a song you don’t know? Don’t worry. That 15-second part you do know is coming up…And you’re gonna own that [censored].”

“I’m so excited and I just can’t hide, I’m about to lose control and I think I like it. Oh yeah.”

“When somebody messes with your amp settings.”

“I sound just like adele in my car.”

“So Stratocaster or Telecaster? I’m sorry. What’s that? *blocked*”
30) These music memes are good for all people!

“When teenagers say 90s music is for old people: I’ve never hit a kid before.”

“When the examiner gives you your sight reading and it has 5 sharps.”

“3 easy jazz chords for beginners.”

“Time to let the music play.”

“Stop! You’re under a rest!!!”
35) Music memes and tubas!

“What is better than one baa? Tubas!”

“When you’re riding in your friend’s car and they start playing country music: I’m gonna kill myself.”

“Why was the former conductor of the Berlin Philarmonic always the first one off the plane? Because he only had Karajan luggage.”

“You might be old but are you this old.”

“When your life is going nowhere.”
I hope you enjoyed these music memes!
Please share these music memes with your friends and family.