37 Hilarious Mother’s Day Memes Guaranteed to Make Your Mom Laugh

With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, it’s time to get serious about honoring moms everywhere. One way to do that is by treating them to a few laughs with some of the funniest Mother’s Day memes around. Whether your mom loves an irreverent pun or a musing on the complexity of motherhood, there is sure to be something for every mom out there.

It’s the perfect way to recognize this important day and make her smile at the same time! So if you’re looking for unique ways to commemorate Mom this year, why not try something out of the ordinary and share some of these hilarious 37 Mother’s Day memes?

1) Let the Mother’s Day memes begin!

37 Mother's Day Memes - "A mother holds her child's hand for a short while, but holds her child's heart forever."

“A mother holds her child’s hand for a short while, but holds her child’s heart forever.”

2) When the perks of motherhood finally present themselves.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "When it's Mother's Day and the kids are finally being grateful."

“When it’s Mother’s Day and the kids are finally being grateful.”

3) Share these Mother’s Day memes on Facebook or Twitter but don’t forget to make it the best Mother’s Day ever by visiting or calling her.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Back in my day, we spent time with our mothers. We didn't just tweet a paragraph and call it a day."

“Back in my day, we spent time with our mothers. We didn’t just tweet a paragraph and call it a day.”

4) When mothers feel loved.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Mother's Day cards: You raised me. You cooked for me. You loved me. Father's Day cards: Happy birthday or whatever, [censored] idiot."

“Mother’s Day cards: You raised me. You cooked for me. You loved me. Father’s Day cards: Happy birthday or whatever, [censored] idiot.”

5) Funny Mother’s Day memes for moms that deserve peace and quiet!

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Mother's Day should be a time of peace and quiet. And wine, if you're lucky."

“Mother’s Day should be a time of peace and quiet. And wine, if you’re lucky.”

6) When mom makes you feel guilty.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Do your chores. I had a c-section for you."

“Do your chores. I had a c-section for you.”

7) When you give them the look.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "The face you make when ur kids don't listen in public..."

“The face you make when ur kids don’t listen in public…”

8) Mother’s Day memes celebrating the joys of motherhood.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "He's finally asleep. I'll give him a little goodnight smooch. If you wake him up, I'll rip your face off. Oh, the joys of motherhood..."

“He’s finally asleep. I’ll give him a little goodnight smooch. If you wake him up, I’ll rip your face off. Oh, the joys of motherhood…”

9) When you’re overly attached girlfriend gets even scarier.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Don't forget to buy me a Mother's Day gift since I'll be the mother to all your future children."

“Don’t forget to buy me a Mother’s Day gift since I’ll be the mother to all your future children.”

10) Happy Mother’s Day memes from your favorite son or daughter!

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Happy Mother's Day from your favorite child."

“Happy Mother’s Day from your favorite child.”

11) When you get to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Good moms let you lick the beaters. Great moms turn them off first."

“Good moms let you lick the beaters. Great moms turn them off first.”

12) When mom did a great job.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Great job mom. I turned out awesome."

“Great job Mom. I turned out awesome.”

13) 100% relatable Mother’s Day memes…

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Growing up means understanding why my mom was always so pissed that things were missing from their proper place every time she went to use them."

“Growing up means understanding why my mom was always so pissed that things were missing from their proper place every time she went to use them.”

14) Mother’s Day memes that only fans of Game of Thrones fans will understand.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "'Happy Mother's Day,' said Jon Snow, never."

“‘Happy Mother’s Day,’ said Jon Snow, never.”

15) Funny Mother’s Day memes for all moms!

37 Mother's Day Memes - "I hope your Mother's Day is more pleasant than labor was."

“I hope your Mother’s Day is more pleasant than labor was.”

16) When mom knows all of your hiding spots.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Mom, I hid your Mother's Day card somewhere you'll never find it! It was in my makeup drawer, folks."

“Mom, I hid your Mother’s Day card somewhere you’ll never find it! It was in my makeup drawer, folks.”

17) What would we do without moms and Mother’s Day memes?

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Mom, I just wanted to say you forgot to remind me this Sunday is Mother's Day."

“Mom, I just wanted to say you forgot to remind me this Sunday is Mother’s Day.”

18) When your mom took care of everything.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Keep calm and carry...an umbrella! And, wait...Don't forget your boots! Do you have a raincoat? How about some gloves? Do you need a scarf? I bet you don't have a hat...Do you need some money? All I have is a ten...No, really, take it!"

“Keep calm and carry…an umbrella! And, wait…Don’t forget your boots! Do you have a raincoat? How about some gloves? Do you need a scarf? I bet you don’t have a hat…Do you need some money? All I have is a ten…No, really, take it!”

19) When mom gets a taste of her own medicine.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Mom: So where are you taking me for Mother's Day? Me: We have food at home. Mom: You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?"

“Mom: So where are you taking me for Mother’s Day? Me: We have food at home. Mom: You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?”

20) Funny Mother’s Day memes for the best mom in the world.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "I child-proofed my house but they still get in."

“I child-proofed my house but they still get in.”

21) When you’re a cool mom.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "I'm not a regular mom. I'm a cool mom."

“I’m not a regular mom. I’m a cool mom.”

22) When moms deserve 365 Mother’s Days.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Oh, it's Mother's Day? Tell me how nice you treat your mom one day a year."

“Oh, it’s Mother’s Day? Tell me how nice you treat your mom one day a year.”

23) When you feel the wrath of parenting.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Parenting. If you feel crazy, then you're doing it right."

“Parenting. If you feel crazy, then you’re doing it right.”

24) When even the family cat is surprised.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Happy Mother's Day. Here's a picture of a surprised cat."

“Happy Mother’s Day. Here’s a picture of a surprised cat.”

25) Mother’s Day memes that are so sweet.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "See the sunrise son? That is not an appropriate time to wake up!"

“See the sunrise son? That is not an appropriate time to wake up!”

26) When you realize moms are always cleaning up.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Shoutout to the moms cleaning up from all their Mother's Day 'surprises' yesterday. We see you."

“Shoutout to the moms cleaning up from all their Mother’s Day ‘surprises’ yesterday. We see you.”

27) When you’re a mother, all-knowing.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Son: How do you always know when we lie? It's like you're a psychic or a wizard or something. Me: The word you're looking for is 'mother.'"

“Son: How do you always know when we lie? It’s like you’re a psychic or a wizard or something. Me: The word you’re looking for is ‘mother.'”

28) When a legend sounds pretty awesome.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "There is a legend that if you go take a shower and scream out loud 'Mom' three times, a nice lady appears bringing the towel you forgot."

“There is a legend that if you go take a shower and scream out loud ‘Mom’ three times, a nice lady appears bringing the towel you forgot.”

29) When you agree that every day should be Mother’s Day.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Today isn't special because every day is Mother's Day."

“Today isn’t special because every day is Mother’s Day.”

30) When you realize not all superheroes wear capes.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "See? I told you! So that's how she does it...Happy Mother's Day to supermoms everywhere."

“See? I told you! So that’s how she does it…Happy Mother’s Day to supermoms everywhere.”

31) When getting some rest is the best gift of all.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "What moms want for Mother's Day: Flowers. Candy. Poetry that is written in their honor. Sleep. Breakfast in bed."

“What moms want for Mother’s Day: Flowers. Candy. Poetry that is written in their honor. Sleep. Breakfast in bed.”

32) When it was good while it lasted.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "When Mother's Day is over and your life returns to what it was."

“When Mother’s Day is over and your life returns to what it was.”

33) When you’re the dearest mommie of all.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "It's Mother's Day. Worship me!!!!!"

“It’s Mother’s Day. Worship me!!!!!”

34) When you’re all about social media.

37 Mother's Day Memes - "You know what really grinds my gear? When people live with their mom and still wish them Happy Mother's Day on Facebook."

“You know what really grinds my gear? When people live with their mom and still wish them Happy Mother’s Day on Facebook.”

35) Mother’s Day memes when you realize your mom has a first and last name…just like you!

37 Mother's Day Memes - "Your real name isn't mom?"

“Your real name isn’t Mom?”

I hope you enjoyed these Mother’s Day memes!

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Please share these Mother’s Day memes with your friends, family, and of course, your mom.