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Not everyone is a morning person and many people would rather hit the snooze button than getting up. If getting up early is not for you, then the following dose of good morning humor might be just what you need to start your day!
But if you’re not getting enough sleep for other reasons, it’s important to make your bedroom as sleep-friendly as possible. A little jolt of caffeine also helps too! Don’t forget to read the following 77 good morning humor quotes, images, and memes while enjoying your coffee!
1) Let the morning humor begin!

“A new study found that people who take their coffee black are more likely to exhibit psychopathic traits and people who order a quad shot, non-fat, vanilla soy, extra foam, light whip with caramel drizzle are more likely to be their victims.”

“Always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” – Bill Gates
3) Good morning humor when you’re ALMOST awake.

“Good morning everyone! My body is up. The mind will follow sometime later today, hopefully!”

“Brunch is breakfast without an alarm clock.”

“I don’t care what day it is. It’s early…I’m grumpy…I want coffee!”
6) Good morning humor images to make you laugh!

“Closing your eyes for “just another 2 minutes” after your alarm goes off and waking up 25 years later married with 3 kids and a dog.”

“Coffee face…Activated!”
8) It wouldn’t be good morning humor without Garfield!

“Good morning is a contradiction of terms.”

“I could be a morning person…If morning was sometime around noon.”

“Do not speak until this is empty. And then the only acceptable sentence is…May I get you a refill?”
11) Good morning humor quotes when your alarm clock is giving you nightmares.

“It’s just a dream, I told myself. I hate when I dream of alarm clocks going off.” – Jarod Kintz

“Good morning! Drinking coffee is like putting on rose-colored glasses…Everything looks better and I can feel the love again.”
13) Wake up to positive energy with some morning humor.

“8 am: Woke up full of positive energy. 9 am: And it’s gone.”

“Every morning is a constant battle between deciding to spend time on your appearance or sleep for just 15 more minutes. Sleep usually wins.”

“My face when someone offers me coffee: You betcha!”
16) Monday morning humor to help you get through the day!

“Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the whatever.”

“A good friend knows how you take your coffee. A great friend adds booze.”

“Just gimme coffee.”

“Good morning, everyone! My body is up. The mind will follow sometime later today, hopefully.”

“Good morning, gorgeous.”
21) Get ready to tackle the world with some good morning coffee humor.

“Got my coffee and I made it to the couch…Watch out world, here I come! Maybe…”
22) Don’t forget to grab some Monday morning work humor!

“It’s Monday. Grab some coffee and be awesome!”

“Happy Monday.”

“Coffee has a unique aroma that makes you forget how painful it is to be awake.”

“Coffee helps me maintain my “never killed anyone” streak.”
26) I need a refill of good morning humor pics…

“I need a refill…Stat!”

“If you are not coffee, chocolate, or bacon, I’m going to need you to go away.”

“Just in case no one told you today: Good morning. You’re beautiful. I love you. Nice butt.”

“Coffee is the duct tape of the mind.”
30) Nothing like funny morning humor to start your day!

“Just call me angel of the morning.”

“Keep it coming. Last night was ruff.”

“La, la, la. Can’t hear you! Drinking my coffee…No talking!”

“I’m not lazy. I’m highly motivated to do nothing.”
34) Ready for some more Monday morning humor?

“Ok Monday, let’s do this!”

“Good morning. A little push to help you wake up.”

“Good morning! Live it! Love it! The day is yours!”

“I love work. I can barely contain my excitement.”

“I made a pot of coffee so strong, it just opened a jar for me.”
39) I love cute morning humor pics featuring Minnie Mouse!

“I make sure I drink plenty of water each day. I like mine hot and filtered through coffee grounds.”

“Mmm…That first sip of coffee…Eye rolling, toe curling good.”

“Monday :-(“

“Morning forecast: Slightly exhausted with 100% chance of needing coffee. Scattered sarcastic comments through the afternoon.”
43) Friday morning humor that makes you want to dance!

“It’s Friday…I must dance!”

“My idea of a good morning is one when I open my eyes, take a deep breath, then go back to sleep.”
45) 100% relatable Monday morning office humor!

“My Monday face.”

“I need a coffee.”

“Never face facts; if you do you’ll never get up in the morning.” – Marlo Thomas
48) You could never go wrong with good morning humor pictures of cats…even angry ones!

“9 Lives? That’s how many I took this morning.”

“Not sure if my headache is from too much sleep of not enough sleep.”

“Ok, I will rise…But I refuse to shine!”

“Okay, I’m awake! I’m getting up…Loading…Loading…27% complete…38% complete…Getting up failed!! Please try again later!!”

“9 outta the 10 voices in my head agree I need more coffee! The 10th one went back to bed.”
53) Gotta love funny good morning humor quotes like this one…

“Some people wake up drowsy. Some people wake up energized. I wake up dead.” – James Marsden
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“I’m playing that game where the floor is made of lava, so I obviously can’t get out of my bed or I’ll die.”
55) Good morning humor for Saturday and Sunday!

“I really need a day in between Saturday and Sunday.”

“Relatable Post #2914: I don’t like morning people…Or mornings…Or people.”

“Rise and shine. It’s coffee time.”

“I said hi!!!!!!! Say it back!!!”
59) Stay in and enjoy some morning humor with us!

“Just say no to Black Friday and yes to Cream & Sugar Friday! Stay in, stay warm, stay sane and sip your coffee.”

“I don’t smile before coffee.”

62) Relatable morning humor quotes by Moss Hart.

“So far as I know, anything worth hearing is not usually uttered at seven o’clock in the morning; and if it is, it will generally be repeated at a more reasonable hour for a larger and more wakeful audience.” – Moss Hart

“Some people in the morning. Me.”

“Sometimes, I just want someone to hug me and say, “I know it’s hard. You’re going to be okay. Here’s coffee and 5 million dollars.”.”

“Start each day with a positive thought, like: “I can go back to bed in just 17 short hours.”.”
66) Early morning humor quotes by Kristen Chandler.

“There should be a rule against people trying to be funny before the sun comes up.” – Kristen Chandler

“This is my weekend face.”

“I told you not to talk before my coffee.”

“I’m totally lacking the ‘zip-a-dee’ part of my ‘doo-dah’ day.”
70) Morning humor images that look just how I feel when getting up!

“Waking up in the morning and looking at my phone like.”

“I wanna sleep but I want coffee too. What is the true meaning of life…Man those minutes before coffee are brutal!”

“What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”

“When you’re the first one awake in the house and you get to game alone for a few hours.”
74) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of morning humor memes and quotes…

“Morning will come, it has no choice.” – Marty Rubin

“I woke up early. There was no worm.”

“Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.” – Glen Cook
77) I hope you enjoyed these morning humor memes and quotes!

“Yep…It’s definitely Monday…Stay caffeinated my friends!”
Please share these snippets of morning humor with your friends and family.
Last update on 2025-03-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API