There are debates in America about guns but this teen mom knew it was the only way to protect her and her 3-month-old baby. A young Oklahoma mom named Sarah had just lost her husband to cancer on Christmas day and she spent New Year’s Eve alone in her home with her 3-month-old son.
Later on New Year’s Eve, she heard people trying to break into her home so she took her baby into his room and gave him a bottle. She then grabbed a loaded shotgun and called 911 to ask them if she could shoot the intruders to protect her and her son. Watch what happens as she calls 911 and asks permission to shoot the intruders.
Watch and listen to an actual call as a mom asks 911 for permission to shoot home intruders…
The entire conversation lasted 21 minutes before the home invaders broke through the door. I can’t imagine what would have happened if Sarah didn’t have the courage to protect her and her son. While you can’t compare this incident to a woman protecting herself from two burglars trying to steal her handbag, it proves that sometimes you have no choice to protect yourself in intense situations.
Please share this harrowing phone call as a mom asks 911 for permission to shoot home intruders in order to protect her 3-month-old son with your friends and family.