Being a man in 2020 is not easy and for that reason, it’s important for men to sit back and relax with funny memes. For that reason, we scoured the interweb for some of the best men memes and we think you’ll find them to be as funny as we did.
1) Let the men memes begin!

“Any real man will spot the problem with this picture. There is no number plate on the Audi.”

“Appreciate a mans effort, sometimes you just didn’t know what they had to go through just to keep you happy.”
3) …But don’t settle for bad men memes!

“Men be like, ‘I’m finally ready to settle down’.”

“Boobs. I just think they’re neat.”
5) Good men memes are hard to find but these are some of the best!

“Why can’t women be blunt and say what they want? They like men who can pick up on hints and have the confidence to act on them, duh. Yeah, and that turns into the, ‘Let’s see if you can guess why I”m mad’ game later on…”

“Date: I’m looking for a mature man. Me: *nervous laugh* Yeah, maturity is important. Barista: I have a coffee for Mr. Fondil Mabols.”

“I do whatever the voices in my wife’s head tell me to do.”

“Drink responsibly? Shhiiit…Responsibility is why I drink.”
![51 Funny Men Memes - "Fake [censored], fake lips, fake lashes, fake hair, fake nails, and these [censored] are lookin' for a 'real' man."](
“Fake [censored], fake lips, fake lashes, fake hair, fake nails, and these [censored] are lookin’ for a ‘real’ man.”
10) Funny men memes featuring the Rock!

“How I feel after I leave the gym.”

“Finally a mannequin that shows how the shirt will really fit.”

“Friends vs best friends.”

“Girl: I always go for dangerous guys. I guess I’m into bad boys. Me:”

“Girls sleepovers: Omg, did you hear about Amy’s boyfriend? Boys sleepovers:”
15) Adapt and overcome with men memes.

“Got morning wood? Adapt and overcome.”

“Guys, would you give an average looking girl a chance if she were to approach you first and make the first move? A guy would talk to a tree if it approached him first. Never before have I been so offended by something I one hundred percent agree with.”
17) Subtle men memes…

“Her: My gynecologist says I can’t have sex for 2 weeks. Him: What did your dentist say?”

“When you have no life experiences or achievements.”

“Her dms after she changes her status to single.”
20) Funny men memes that guys will relate to.

“Hot days vs cold days.”

“How your nuts look after shaving.”
22) Putting men memes into perspective.

“When I wear a tight shirt: How I feel vs how I look.”

“If I got $50 and my girl broke then we both broke cause I’m not telling her I got $50.”
!["I like to whisper romantic [censored] after sex like 'Hey...Go home'."](
“I like to whisper romantic [censored] after sex like ‘Hey…Go home’.”
25) Yeah, guys only want one thing…more men memes!
!["Guys literally only want one thing and it's [censored] disgusting."](
“Guys literally only want one thing and it’s [censored] disgusting.”

“I lost my boyfriend in Walmart so I called him and he told me to hang up and I’d know where he was. Do you want to know what he did? He made a pterodactyl noise and I heard it from across the whole store.”

“Me: I’m only going to have one beer then go home. Me after one beer: Cya guys, have a good night.”

“Men: It’s so unfair, men always die earlier than women. Also men:”

“My girlfriend invited me to her house where I found her sister alone. So I sat there waiting for my girlfriend while her unbelievably sexy sister was sitting there with me. A few moments go by, then she comes up next to me, and whispers in my ear, ‘We should have sex before my sister comes home”. I immediately turned around to walk to my car. I found my girlfriend standing by the door, at which point she hugged me and said, ‘You’ve won my trust’. Moral of the story: Always keep your condoms in your car.”
!["Nobody: *silence*. Blood cells in the morning: Wanna go to the [censored]? Lmao, yeah."](
“Nobody: *silence*. Blood cells in the morning: Wanna go to the [censored]? Lmao, yeah.”
31) Get some great tips from men memes.

“I play Jenga on the first date so she knows my pull out game is strong.”

“Girl’s pockets: Guy’s pockets: Girl’s handbags: Guy’s cargo pants.”

“Reminds me of taking a bath.”

“To the women who say, ‘All men are the same,’ maybe you shouldn’t have tried them all, skank.”
35) Men memes for sensitive guys…

“Sensitive men? You mean homosexuals?”

“The ‘I shout at my wife in public’ starter pack.”
!["So many girls forever saying, 'Men are dogs,' but fail to realize dogs are loyal as [censored] if you treat them right."](
“So many girls forever saying, ‘Men are dogs,’ but fail to realize dogs are loyal as [censored] if you treat them right.”

“Her: Sorry, I’m not into bald guys. Me:”

“That moment when the best man realizes he forgot the rings.”
40) Judge Judy doesn’t mess with men memes!

“Him: The worst she could say is no. Her: If you were the trophy at the end of my race, I would walk backward.”

“These dudes know what’s up.”

“Things men do that upset women: 1) Lie. 2) Be honest. 3) Not talking to them. 4) Talking too much to them. 5) Not showing any emotions. 6) Being too emotional. 7) Breathing.”

“This is why you take her swimming on the first date.”
44) Gotta love funny men memes.

“How to turn on a guy vs how to turn on a girl.”

“What my girlfriend thought, first 4 dates: 1) Nice shirt. 2) Wow. A second nice shirt. 3) Okay, first shirt again. 4) He has two shirts.”
!["The sniper: When you use your pee to clean up the [censored] on the side of the bowl from earlier."](
“The sniper: When you use your pee to clean up the [censored] on the side of the bowl from earlier.”

“Who said men can’t multitask.”
48) Oh no! We’ve almost reached the end of men memes…

“Men will be men.”

“Woman is mad at me. She must be on her period.”

“Women as bosses? LOL.”
51) Sums up 100% men memes.

“When you ask for nudes and she says ‘brb’.”
I hope you enjoyed these funny men memes!

Please share these men memes that only guys will understand with your friends and family.